Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Checking an Infrared Remote Control Easily

Most of remote control using IR (infrared) signal for operation.
The infrared singnal can't be seen with our eye. but with digital camera, it can be seen.
So, if you want to know whether an infra red remote control (TV, air conditioning, etc.) the function is Ok or not, or want to know the battery is still good or weak, take your digital camera, you can also using hand phone camera.
Turn on the digital camera and switch to camera position function.
Press and hold one of buttons of the remote control
Use the camera to see infrared light of the remote control
Look at the camera monitor, if the remote control is in good condition, then the light from the infrared remote control will be seen on the camera screen brightly.
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Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Awas Sakit Perut Bisa Jadi Gejala Awal Kanker Hati

Waspadalah jika Anda sering merasa sakit perut. Bagi wanita, mungkin terkadang sakit perut lazim dialami mengingat saat menstruasi banyak yang merasakan hal yang sama. Namun perlu diperhatikan bila Anda sering sakit perut di waktu-waktu selama bukan siklus menstruasi. Sebab ternyata ada penyakit serius dengan gejala awal sakit perut. Apakah itu?

Kanker hati. Penyakit ini mungkin pada awalnya ditandai dengan gejala sakit di perut Anda. Tidak hanya itu, penurunan berat badan pun bisa menjadi gejala yang bersamaan dengan sakit perut, yang ternyata berujung pada kanker hati.

Lalu, apa sebenarnya penyebab penyakit kanker hati? Sebenanrnya belum ada hal pasti yang menyebabkan penyakit ini. Namun pada banyak kasus yang ditemui, infeksi kronis dengan virus hepatitis tertentu ternyata menjadi alas an utama. Kanker hati menyerang ketika sel DNA di dalam hati mengalami mutasi yang membuat sel tetap tumbuh namun, sel normal lainnya tidak memiliki siklus hidup. Sehingga, akumulasi sel tersebut membentuk sesuatu yang ganas.

Penyebab atau faktor yang dapat meningkatkan resiko terkena penyakit hati diantara ialah kerusakan hati, diabetes, racun aflaxtonis, konsumsi alkohol yang berlebihan dan obesitas. Namun akhir-akhir ini, ada penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang pun dapat menjadi penyebab hal ini terjadi. Selain pola tidur, pola buang air besar yang jarang juga bisa meningkatkan resiko Anda.

Penyakit kanker hati terkadang bisa menyerang seseorang tanpa disadarinya. Untuk itu, demi menjaga kesehatan agar tiba-tiba tidak terkena penyakit apapun, Anda disarankan rutin check up ke dokter untuk berjaga-jaga. Tidak hanya itu, pola hidup yang sehat pun harus terus diterapkan. Saran sederhana yang dikutip dari seorang peneliti dari Taiwan, untuk menjaga Anda terhindar dari penyakit kanker hati ialah dengan membiasakan buang air kecil di pagi hari.
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Thursday, 4 April 2013

Cara Setting Karburator Mobil Dengan Benar dan Mudah

Merawat mobil sebenarnya tidak terlalu ribet. Anda hanya harus telaten dan menemukan teori-teori dari beberapa sumber, lalu Anda praktekkan sendiri. Salah satu komponen mobil yang bisa Anda coba untuk menyetingnya sendiri adalah karburator bensin.
Komponen yang satu ini memang selalu meminta perawatan rutin, terutama dalam membersihkannya. Kalau tidak cukup bersih, biasanya akan sangat mengganggu kinerja mesin terutama dalam hal transportasi bahan bakar. Bensin yang kotor disaring dan masuk ke karburator. Karena itulah, karburator sangat rentan kotor.
Karburator Mobil
Langkah awalnya, kendurkan dulu skrup idle up. Terus putar hingga idle ini sudah tidak bisa lagi menurunkan RPM mesin. Ditandai mesin yang akan terus menyala meskipun skrup sudah dikendurkan. Ini tandanya, sudah waktunya putaran dihentikan.
Langkah selanjutnya, kendurkan sekrup RPM mesin hingga mesin kurang dari 500. Tapi tetap kendalikan mesin hingga pada RPM yang tepat. Tidak terlalu tinggi tapi juga tidak terlalu rendah sehingga mesin mati. Kalau sudah selesai, waktunya beralih ke skrup yang mencampurkan antara bensin dan udara.
Carburator Mobil 
Putar sekrup idle ini ke arah kiri hingga nyaris putaran mesin mati. Lalu, balikkan lagi ke arah kanan sampai mesin juga nyaris mati. Kemudian cari RPM tertinggi. Caranya, putar kembali skrup yang tadi ke arah kiri secara perlahan untuk menemukan RPM tertinggi. RPM normal agar mesin menyala cukup 'langsam' yakni 700,800 atau 900 rpm tergantung standar ketentuan mesin.
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Sunday, 3 March 2013

Tips Bagaimana Cara Perawatan Knalpot Dengan Mudah

Bekerja sebagai penyalur gas buangan motor, knalpot juga memiliki fungsi yang lain. yaitu untuk memperindah tampilan sepeda motor. Ada bermacam jenis knalpot baik racing maupun orisinil.
Sama halnya dengan komponen sepeda motor yang lain, knalpot juga membutuhkan perawatan yang memadai. Knalpot yang tidak terawat rentan terkena karat atau bahkan bocor yang akan menimbulkan suara yang keras dan berisik.
Untuk melakukan perawatan pada knalpot orisinil sebenarnya tidak sulit. Berikan oli secukupnya ke dalam lubang knalpot paling tidak tiap dua bulan sekali. Selain itu, jika Anda terlalu lama memanaskan motor maka warna kuning akan muncul di beberapa bagian knalpot Anda.
berikan oli ke lubang knalpot secukupnyaJika knalpot sudah terlanjur berkarat, gunakan sikat kawat atau kain bekas untuk membersihkan noda karat yang menempel pada knalpot motor anda. Atau Anda bisa juga mengoleskan oli pada leher knalpot dan memanaskan mesin untuk merontokkan karat tersebut.
Gunakan sikat kawat untuk membersihkan karatGuna mencegah karat kembali menyerang knalpot, gunakan zat anti-karat dan keringkan knalpot setelah terkena air maupun hujan.
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Saturday, 2 February 2013

Disable Files Data Copy To USB Flashdisk / USB External Disk

How to disable data copy to USB Flashdisk / USB External Disk when your  laptop or computer is often used by others, while a lot of important data in it, o f course you  do not want your data copied by them without permission

To make disable copy to USB external drive or flashdisk, one way is with  making change setting in regedit editor

The steps are :

• Press Win + R (to go to Run Command )
• Type Regedit, and then click OK (Will appear Windows Registry Editor )

Type 'regedit' in Run command

In the Registry Editor window
• Double click  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
• Double click  SYSTEM
• Double-click  CurrentControlSet

• Right-click on Control, => click New => click Key.   
Give the name : StorageDevicePolicies

• Right-click on StorageDevicePolicies (just created), => Click New => Choose  DWORD (32-bit) Value => give a name : WriteProtect

• Double click WriteProtect (just created), => Change the Value data from 0 to  1 => click OK

• Log off and logon again the computer to see the result, try copying file to flashdisk. copying will disallowed.

• To return to the Normal condition, change the Value data  to 0, or delete key and the Dword that we have created, by right click => click delete.
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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Offshore Oil Drilling Rigs Performance

Offshore Oil Field Drilling Rigs are essentially a multifaceted structure that comprises of a number of multifarious parts each with its own specific function and purpose. It is a unit made of smaller units like drill machinery, the control and power system, and all sorts of instrumentation required for efficient oil extraction. Offshore Oil Field Drilling Systems are always in needed to have wide-ranging, integrated power along with proper instrumentation and control and communication system as the working conditions in an oil field are highly demanding. Rigs are required, on a compulsory level to maintain a static level of safety and also ensure measures ton protect the ecological milieu.
If you're planning to install offshore drilling rigs, then it's necessary for you to have a detailed idea of the various components and aspects that join together to erect huge offshore oil field drilling rigs. There are a number of systems, tools and equipments that go in the set up of such large scale offshore field extraction jobs. 

Oil field Drilling Rigs: parts

Here's a list of some of common devices and machinery that are involved in the setting of a full scale and successfully running of an offshore oil field drilling system. Offshore Oilfield extraction involves all of these,
  • Rigs and Offshore Platforms
  • Offshore Drilling Technology that is all-inclusive in nature
  • Oil Platforms
  • Offshore Mobile Drilling Units
  • Masts and Derricks
  • Drawworks
  • Drilling Substructures
  • Mud Pumps
  • Drilling Storage Units
  • Drilling Drive Systems
  • Blowout Preventers
  • Drilling Instrumentation
  • Rotating & Traveling Equipment
  • Drilling Control Equipment
Drilling Rigs: Components
  • Drilling Semi-Submersible
  • Offshore Floating Production
  • Drilling Ships
  • Field Drilling Jack-Up
  • Rigs for Workover
Oil Extraction Equipments for Rotating & Traveling Processes
  • Field Instrumentation
  • Offshore Oil Mud Solids Control
  • Oil Field Blowout Preventers
  • Oil Well Control Equipment
Oil Rig Drill String: Parts
  • Drilling Handling Tools
  • Auxiliary Equipment
  • Pulling Units
  • Offshore Oil Extracting Contracts
  • Oil MODU Operations
Oil field drilling machinery has to be of such a kind so that the extraction process can be continued under all circumstances and climatic and geographical conditions. Drilling Rigs manufacturing companies hence offer various kinds of oil field platform set-ups to serve diverse kinds of oil and natural gas extraction jobs. Field Drilling Rigs that are specially meant for fleets are also available. Offshore oil field drilling set-ups can be either run by electricity or mechanically to a maximum oil extraction capacity of 9,000 meters.
Offshore oil extraction is a part of the two-tier system of "patch' work or liquid and natural gas extraction around the world. Such extraction has its own set of challenges and unknown loopholes which are to a large extent unknown. As the experts put it, conducting drill well operations on the ocean beds which have formidable and unknown powers of its own is a lot similar to putting people to work in the space, the outer cosmos. So it's to be carried out with a lot of caution to ensure the safety of the workers on the extraction platform along with the costly machinery onboard and not to forget the entire environment and ecological system as well
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Oil Onshore Drilling Rigs

Drilling rigs are a perfect blend of quality, modernity and versatility. Drilling rigs are highly competent and technology driven. Drilling Rigs can be also used for up gradation of the modern rigs. The highly modern structure of the Rigs and the Drilling tools can be transported to any environment from the dry deserts to the remotest areas of the world.
Onshore land drilling services very efficiently provides for construction of drilling rigs and work over services. Drilling services relating to onshore land drilling is very commonly found in parts of Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.
Onshore land drilling rigs includes functions like product manufacturing, examination, assessment of oil gasses and wells of different kinds. The wells can be vertical or horizontal ranging between 1200 meters to 5000 meters in depth.
In Brazil the onshore land drilling rigs has achieved great heights. The basic idea behind this whole thing is to increase the onshore production of oil by 30% the year 2010. The aim is also to finish up Drilling of up to 900 onshore wells every year.
The General Onshore Drilling Department, formed in the north and the north eastern regions of Brazil sees to it that the set target is achieved making use of the best drilling practices. Drilling practices in the land is also carried out with utmost protection taking care of the environment.

Drilling rigs, its utility:

Onshore Drilling Rigs have to be doubled in order to achieve the set targets. The old wells for Drilling Rigs need to be opened. For Drilling Rigs many old wells also need to be restored. The successful completion of the Drilling rigs depends on bulk buying, enhanced control of cost, and improved machinery.
Land drilling rigs in Brazil are significantly advantageous. Investments in Land drilling rigs are not very high. The risk involved in land Drilling Rigs is also low as compared to marine Drilling Rigs.
Land drilling is simpler, for you can easily carry the Drilling tools from one place to another. Onshore installations can be easily assembled. You can also easily recover your invested money through Land drilling.
In the Middle East, Onshore land Drilling provides versatile and high quality Drilling Rigs. Onshore land Drilling also helps to improve and modify the existing Rigs.
Rigs structures that are innovative are indispensable for Drilling Rigs. Land Rigs are made up of the latest Drilling technologies. Rigs for Drilling are very well maintained and serviced regularly. Rigs for Drilling can easily be transported from state to state.
Advanced Land Drilling Rigs attracts more potential customers than old Land Drilling Rigs. Electronically driven Land Drilling Rigs are capable of Drilling up to 18000 feet. Drilling module packages are also available.

Drilling rigs features:

Drilling rigs have the following features that make them unique:
  • Drilling rigs can easily be transported by air
  • Land Drilling rigs can wheeled on the desert
  • Land Drilling rigs can be taken to rough terrains
  • Drilling rigs on Land can be worked over
Land drilling and operations concerning work over:
Drilling operations are same like that of offshore Drilling operations.
Drilling rig products:
  • Modern land rigs 800HP- 3000HP
  • Drilling rigs are very inexpensive and energy saving
  • Drilling rigs mechanization and controls
  • Drilling rigs AC and DC modular Draw works
  • Drilling push and pull rigs

Power/ control products:

  • Engines and generators
  • Control systems of SCR
  • Drive systems with AC Variable frequency
  • Drilling with auto driller
  • Drilling with mud monitoring apparatus
  • Drilling and monitoring systems

Onshore land drills perform important functions:

Onshore land drilling can be used for circulating mud to the wells. The process of land drilling performs a number of important functions. The significant functions performed are described below:
  • The on shore land drilling rigs are very efficient in cleaning the bottom of the wells
  • The onshore land drilling rigs help to cool down the drilling bit
  • The task of lubricating the onshore land rigs are also performed by the drills
  • The on shore land drilling rigs help to fuse the walls of the well-bore
  • The onshore land drilling rigs also help to regulate the pressure of oil, gas and water
The process of drilling begins in the huge bit anchored to the drill collar and drill pipe. A new drill pipe is joined with the drill string, when the process of drilling reaches certain depth. The procedure is generally repeated until the desired results are reached. The well bore which is cased using a steel casing is penetrated into the well bore. The joint is then cemented to prevent any emission of fluids.
In the next stage a drill bit of lesser diameter is penetrated inside the well bore and the previous operations are repeated itself. With the advancement in the drilling procedure smaller drill bits are used and the case hole diameter also goes on decreasing. It is very important that the drilling bit is replaced by new drilling bits. This process involves the removal of the whole drill string.
A self induced drilling tender mounted on a drilling rig is capable of being transported from one place to another. This enables the ships which participate in the drilling process to act as drilling ships. The legs of the platform can be lowered and the platform can be allowed to function independently as drilling platform. If necessary the drilling rigs can be lifted up from the drilling platform and placed on the near by land operations. This helps to carry out the land drilling operations to take place.
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