Showing posts with label Misteri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misteri. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Beberapa Cara Melihat Hantu

  1. Sebuah transplantasi kornea dari donor yang psikis
  2. Mencoba bunuh diri ketika hamil.
  3. Roh bermain permainan Glass (mirip dengan papan Ouija Barat).
  4. Tapping sumpit mangkuk kosong dengan makanan yang cukup untuk tiga di persimpangan untuk menarik roh lapar.
  5. Bermain petak umpet di tengah malam sambil memegang kucing hitam.
  6. Mengusap kotoran dari kuburan di sekitar mata Anda.
  7. Membuka payung sementara di dalam ruangan.
  8. Menyikat rambut Anda di tengah malam sambil menatap ke cermin.
  9. Membungkuk di atas dan mencari di antara kaki Anda (CI LUK BA !! ada siapa di belakang punggungmu ? hiiii!!!).
  10. Berdandan sementara menggunakan pakaian pemakaman tidur. Hantu akan percaya bahwa anda adalah salah satu dari mereka.
hehehe,,jangan lupa di like yaaaa :)
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Saturday, 25 June 2011

10 Kuburan Aneh dan Unik di Dunia

Pekuburan Newgrage
Pekuburan yang letaknya di negara Irlandia ini adalah salah satu bangunan atau monumen pra sejarah yang paling impresif dan megah di dunia. Dibangun sekitar tahun 3300 sampai dengan 2900 sebelum masehi, makam misterius ini termasuk sangat besar. Luas bangunan berbentuk bulat seperti bungker ini memiliki luas 4046 meter persegi dengan tinggi 12 meter.

Bangunan ini sebenarnya terdiri dari susunan batu-batu yang sangat rapi dan terdapat sejumlah peninggalan batu berukir megalitikum. Ini menunjukkan bahwa bangunan kokoh ini memang memiliki umur yang sangat tua, bahkan lebih tua dari piramida Giza dan Stonehenge.

Tana Toraja
Salah satu warisan kebudayaan yang dimiliki Indonesia yang sangat terkenal hingga ke luar negeri. Tana Toraja memiliki ritual pemakaman yang dianggap paling rumit di dunia. Upacara pemakamani itu disebut dengan Rambu Solo. Rambu Solo adalah sebuah upacara pemakaman secara adat yang mewajibkan keluarga yang almarhum membuat sebuah pesta sebagai tanda penghormatan terakhir pada mendiang yang telah pergi. Yang bikin rumit, adalah bahwa upacara Rambu Solo memiliki sejumlah tingkatan, tergantung pada strata sosial si mendiang dan keluarganya.

Yang paling menarik adalah ketika tahap terakhir upacara Rambu Solo dimana jenazah dibawa ke sebuah tebing khusus untuk pemakaman. Biasanya jenazah disertai dengan patung simbolisasi penggambaran diri mendiang yang disebut dengan nama Tau-tau. Yang mengherankan adalah mayat yang disimpan di tebing tersebut hanya diletakkan saja dan ajaibnya tidak pernah tercium bau busuk yang merebak.
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey adalah sebuah gereja gothic yang sangat terkenal di London. Secara bangunan gereja tersebut memang tidak seheboh dan semegah bangunan-bangunan kuno yang lain. Tapi yang membuat bangunan yang dibangun oleh Pendeta Benedictine pada abad ke-10 adalah siapa yang dimakamkan di sana. Westminster Abbey adalah tempat pemakaman para raja-raja Inggris dan bangsawan lainnya.

Pada perkembangannya, makam tersebut menjadi tempat terakhir bagi orang-orang besar Inggris lainnya seperti Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Tennyson, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ernest Rutherford.

Giza Necropolis
Tak ada yang menandingi kompleks pemakaman yang paling megah, besar, luas, bahkan paling misterius di dunia selain Giza Necropolis. Kompleks pemakaman raja Mesir ini terdiri dari Piramida besar Giza, Piramida Khafre, Piramida Menkaure, Patung Sphinx, serta beberapa piramida-piramida kecil lain yang mengelilinginya.

Salah satu keajaiban dari pemakaman berbentuk segitiga unik ini adalah setelah diukur dengan benar oleh sejumlah ahli, maka piramida itu hanya memiliki margin error sebesar 58 milimeter!

Lembah Raja-Raja
Lembah Raja-Raja yang berada di Mesir menjadi sangat terkenal ketika pada tahun 1922, seorang ahli kebudayaan Mesir Howard Carter menemukan dan membuka makam Tutankhamen. Di sinilah merebak ’kutukan’ bagi mereka yang membuka makam tersebut. Maka satu per satu dari para penemu makam kuno itu mati dengan berbagai akibat.

Akibat ’kutukan’ itulah Lembah Raja-Raja menjadi sangat terkenal disamping juga penemuan yang didapat di sana sangat luar biasa, seperti topeng emas Raja Tut.

Catacomb of Paris
Agak susah menjabarkan apa arti dari catacomb, tapi bisa dimaknai sebagai lorong-lorong bawah tanah, kadang memiliki ruangan-ruangan tergantung kebutuhan untuk apa ruangan tersebut dibuat. Catacomb yang paling terkenal adalah yang terletak di kota Paris, Perancis.

Pada tahun 1700-an, kota Paris menderita semacam penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh pemakaman massal yang kurang tepat di pemakaman umum. Penguasa kota akhirnya memutuskan memindahkan semua tulang belulang itu ke dalam sejumlah lorong-lorong di kota Paris yang tidak terpakai.

Maka, jadilah tulang belulang beserta tengkorak tersebut diletakkan di sana dan disusun sedemikian rupa di dalam lorong-lorong tersebut. Yang menjadi luar biasa adalah lorong bawah tanah yang terpakai untuk menyusun tulang belulang itu adalah hingga mencapai panjang 300 km! Untuk menjaga keaslian ruangan yang penuh tulang belulang itu, pemerintah kota hanya mengizinkan membuka sedikit akses ke dalam Catacomb of Paris ini.

Tentara Terracotta
Mungkin temuan tentang keberadaan patung tentara China yang ini sampai saat ini masih belum tuntas penggaliannya. Pasukan terracotta yang menakjubkan itu sempat terkubur dan dilupakan oleh sejarah, dan baru ditemukan kembali pada tahun 1974. Penemunya adalah Yang Peiyan dan beberapa petani yang sedang menggarap lahan.

Temuan ini sontak membuka tabir misteri keberadaan makam kaisar Qin Shihuang yang merupakan kaisar pertama di China yang mempersatukan dataran China. Tentara Terracotta Cina ini berkekuatan 8.000 pasukan, dan yang paling unik, setiap patung unik dan dibuat satu per satu sehingga tidak ada gambar wajah patung yang sama. Pasukan itu dibuat untuk melindungi kaisar di alam baka.

Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo
Di daerah Palermo, Italia, terdapat sebuah biara yang cukup aneh dengan upacara pemakamannya. Para pendeta membangun ruangan bawah tanah yang diperuntukkan untuk pemakaman, dan uniknya pemakaman yang dimaksud bukan memendam jenazah ke dalam tanah, tapi dengan cara melakukan proses pembalseman seperti mummi yang kemudian mummi tersebut didandani dengan pakaian lengkap dan digantung pada dinding biara! Uniknya lagi, para mummi ini bisa berganti pakaian layaknya manusia yang masih hidup, bahkan mengikuti trend pula!

Upacara pemakaman seperti ini berlangsung mulai dari abad ke-16 sampai dengan abad ke-19. Dan yang berhak untuk dimakamkan dengan cara itu adalah hanyalah para orang yang dianggap terkemuka. Terakhir pada tahun 1800-an dimana mayat terakhir di-mummi-kan, sudah ada 8000 mummi yang menghuni di dalam biara tersebut.

Taj Mahal
Ini dia simbol dari sebuah rasa cinta yang agung. Selain sebagai perlambang cinta yang abadi, juga Taj Mahal bisa dianggap sebagai makam terindah yang pernah dibangun karena di dalamnya bersemayam makam Raja Shah Jahan dan permaisurinya yang sangat dia cintai, Mumtaz Mahal.

Bangunan ini merupakan simbol dari kebesaran dinasti Mughal yang sangat termasyur di India. Pada masa kekaisaran dinasti Mughal, India mencapai masa keemasannya, dan Taj Mahal adalah salah satu bukti kebesarannya. Selain membuktikan kekayaan dinasti Mughal (penggunaan batu marbel dan segala perniknya yang sangat detil menunjukkan besarnya kekayaan dinasti tersebut), juga keindahan arsitekturnya yang sangat menawan dan sangat simetris.

Kota Mati di Ossetia Utara, Rusia
Dari kejauhan, lembah ini dipenuhi oleh sejumlah gedung dan bangunan yang mirip dengan rumah batu, tidak jauh bedanya dengan desa-desa pada umumnya di Rusia. Namun, kalau diamati lebih teliti, ada yang janggal dengan bangunan-bangunan tersebut. Kalau kita intip ke dalam, barulah kita sadar bahwa bangunan itu isinya adalah tubuh manusia yang termumifikasi dengan pakaian yang lengkap.
Menurut kabar, pada abad ke-18, daerah Ossetia sedang mengalami wabah penyakit yang mematikan. Nah, para anggota keluarga yang terkena wabah tersebut akhirnya dikarantina dengan membuatkan bangunan yang khusus. Bangunan itu dirancang agar anggota keluarga yang sakit itu tidak bisa kemana-mana, hanya diberi lubang kecil saja untuk memasukkan makanan ke dalam ruangan tersebut. Tentu saja yang terjadi adalah kematian pelan-pelan karena tidak ada pertolongan yang memadai bagi si sakit.
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Sunday, 19 June 2011

Mystery Behind the Numbers And Symbols Satanism 666

Satanic has infiltrated into various aspects relating to human life in the world ini.Sebenarnya many things that have been used as a venue for the followers of satanic conspiracy, either overtly or tersembunyi.Berikut these are real examples that already exist

satanic bible
The origin of GS was founded by Anton Szandor La vey April 30, 1966, and the GS is openly organized in San Francisco. As a guide his flock, La vey wrote a book The Satanic Bible in 1969.
Although the presence of the worshipers of Satan has been known for years, no one appeared and admitted openly that they are adherents of Satanism. Satanism first became an open and orderly movement in the 1960s in the United States. April 30, 1966, the Church of Satan was established in California. This strange founder of the church is an adherent of Satanism Anton Szandor LaVey named who claimed himself as high priest. Known as the Black Pope, LaVey wrote the books where he formulated his views on the Church of Satan. Titles of books are scary: "Scripture Satan, Setanis Ceremony, Wizard Setanis, Record Book of Satan and Satan Talking". LaVey died in 1997. It is estimated that the Church of Satan has about 10 thousand members in North America, and though many accept the lawsuits, the activities and the ceremony continued.
A statue of Satan, the demon king has been created and are currently located in the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Paris) intangibles such as human face-horned beast 2 pieces with the position of chin and on his back there were two wings, this statue is made ​​of stone and is called the devil statue (statue was never included in the movie the Hunchback of Notre Dame).
This organization calls itself the first organization in the world and throughout history who openly declare to serve the acceptance of true human nature is carnal beast living in the cosmos is permeated and motivated by dark forces that we call Satan.

Anton LaVey
The first Church of Satan, Church of Satan America, is now their official name is the Church of Satan, another name is a liar. On October 29, 1997, Anton La vey dead. GS then passed to Blanche Barton (high priestess) who is also a wife and mother of three children named Satan Xerces Carnacki La vey Blanche also served as head adiministrasi GS for 14 years. During his life, Anton La vey raised a lot of members of the clergy Mendes as the Devil's lawyer. And this together with the Order's clergy trapezoidal Nine Nan Council is now working with the High Priest Women ikonoklastik Barton to advance the philosophy formulated by La vey.SYMBOLCoat The followers of GS generally use the symbol 666, the pentagram, inverted 5 pointed star with a picture of a goat's head had two horns. Angle describing the star Lucifer horn is meaningful, level with God. Three angles below illustrate the trinity of Satan, who in the middle of Lucifer, to the left of the Antichrist, who in the right false prophets.And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the prophet and they are tormented day and night forever and ever. This demon opponent Trinity Christian Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).Goat's head is one of the main characteristic of Satan worshipers, the elements that led to the sacrifice of worship to Lucifer and Satan are usually slaughtered goat (usually male) and use his blood for ritualUSE OF BARCODEBarcode Code stripes or bars are not new for most people. Almost all manufactured products, even now in many home-based products, all of them put this bar code. Code consisting of lines with a thickness that varies by many regarded as something that facilitates the identification of an item. This barcode was born in the United States in the early 1970s.The development by global developments, making circles since the beginning to suspect there is hidden behind the use of mission Barcode, the more confident with her suspicions. They are mostly a background as symbologist, author, researcher, and the reviewers of the Bible.One is Mary Stewart Relfe, PhD. Successful women entrepreneurs from Montgomery, USA, who also works as an instructor pilot at the same time Multi Engine Instrument Flight equipment, has written two best-selling book that highlights this conspiracy. One was titled "The New Money System 666" (1982).In his book, Mary Stewart, who is also a student of the Bible, from childhood are very confident that the use of barcodes is closely related to the hidden plans of the conspiracy for world domination.Three StagesAccording to Stewart, an attempt conspiracy to rule the world in terms of identifying and controlling the world is divided into three stages: the first phase began in 1970 which is used as a starting point for these measures.The second phase began in 1973. The use of barcodes which originally applied to manufactured goods, are now beginning to be applied to humans, among other figures by the number codification of Social Welfare (The Social Security Number) is coupled with a universal system of numbers. Merging these two figures codification into bar codes (barcodes) that are similar to barcodes on manufactured products that have been implemented three years earlier.Initially applied to smart cards such as Credit Card, Debit Card, ID Card, and so on. But in its development also began to be applied in humans. The main target of this second phase is the government, banking, and corporate-card maker smart card (Smart Card).The third stage involves the attempt to identify any kind that exist in this world, whether moving or not. All identification is useful to know the weak side of a group, region, even a nation, which later can be used as a weapon to the conspiracy.Figures DevilThe critics Barcode managed to find one of the most vital secrets of this bar codes. All Barcode or also known as the Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode has the numbers 666 and 13.
To find out, please view the Barcode in various products. Note the number of digits in the bottom lines of bars. The number is always 13 points. Number 6 is symbolized in the dictionary Barcode consists of two thin lines facing each other are located on the far left and far right bar codes, and the other at the middle line. The third line represents the number 6 is longer than the other lines.
Thus, the UPC barcode that spread in this world has order 666. In his book, Mary Stewart Refle quoting one Bible verse: "And he caused, so to everyone, big or small, rich or poor, free and bond, are marked on their right hand or on his forehead. And no one can buy or sell other than those who wear the mark, the name of the beast or the number name. What is important here is wisdom: Whoever is wise, let him calculate the number of the beast, because the number is a human number, and bilangannya is: 666 "(Revelation 13: 16-18)
Stewart summarizes the dangers of Conspiracy in Barcode: "The application of barcode technology was first performed on the goods, followed later on the card, and will turn into something horrible in a society that no longer use the cash ..."
Film Music and Satanism
Satanism appears in many ways one of which is film and music. Many of the film which tells the story opens idiom Satanism and dark power (dark forces). Popular movies such as: Friday The 13th, The Crow, Devils Advocate, Interview With The Vampire, even series The X-Files containing the story line in which Satan, Satanism or black magic becomes an important part of the film. It is said that in 1968, Anton Szandor La vey had been a technical advisor as well as cast film Rosemarys Baby, the Omen films have popularized in 1976 called Satanism.

The following are the rumors about the example of music that contains Satanism, for example:

     * Songs from Ozzy Osbourne "good wine, but whiskey is faster, kill am left only one way out".
     * Song of David Bowie (Rolling Stone) said Rock music will always be a devil.
     * Song of Stairway to Heaven if played backwards satanic verses will bring.
     * Video of Metallica in The Prince Angel from below, I want to sell my soul. Satan take my soul.
     * Pink Floyd Lucifer Sam wrote the song with the lyrics: Lucifer Sam is always sitting by your side .. always close to you.
     * Year 1992, Red Hot Chilli Peppers at the MTV Awards acceptance say. First of all we would like to thank Satan.
     * Marilyin Manson, one CS race in August 1996 issue of Spin magazine. I hope to be remembered as someone who put an end to the history of Christianity, Manson did not hesitate to tear the Bible and shouting insults against Jesus Christ.
     * Black Metal bands that openly uses the lyrics & the ritual worship of the devil
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Mystery Area 51

Is a research center where scientists conduct research activities that are equipped with various facilities and devices needed to support the achievement of goals and objectives of a study. In general, each country developed or are developing very concerned to have a research center.
Advancement of science and technology in a country, is also determined by the results of research developed by the country concerned. Like the Research Center for Science and Technology (Puspitek) Serpong, is a research center owned by Indonesia. Within this area there are many research facilities within the auspices of government institutions, such as LIPI, BATAN, BPPT, LAPAN, which continues to research and develop science and technology to peaceful purposes.

Of the many research centers are internationally renowned, is Area 51, a military testing facility and the development of a highly classified (top secret), which is operated by the United States Air Force. Area 51 is located in the area of training and testing in Nevada. Location Area 51 at the Lincoln Country located 115.5 km north of Las Vegas with an area ranging from 103 square kilometers.
Area 51 was founded in 1955 that was originally intended to test the development of spy planes the United States U-2 Series is newly created. U-2 planes can fly to an altitude of 70,000 feet. During the U-2 operations have been freely fly over the territory of the Soviet Union until the end of the U-2 plane was shot down in 1960. Finally, U-2 painted black in the 1960s. As for the fool as if the appearance of the unknown celestial body commonly called UFOs (Unditified Flying Object), some U-2 painted with a shiny silver color. Since then, Area 51 continues to evolve and be used for a variety of developing a project called Project Black (Black Project) consisting of Blackbird series aircraft, serial Stealth Fighter and Stealth series Boomber. Blackbird series is a continuation of the U-2 series that began in 1962 with a design type A-12 and SR-71. For example, type SR-71 has a cruising speed reached 3500 km / h with an effective cruising altitude of 4830 km.

Stealth Fighter series is the first stealth fighter aircraft designed in the late 1970s. The aircraft is very well operate at night. Well-known type is the F-117 Nighthawk. Stealth Series or stealth aircraft is an idea that is free from the radar. Aircraft cruising speed is around 1040 km / h with a good height as far as 2110 km. Achievement of operation has been demonstrated in the Gulf War and was assigned to implement the targets that have been mature.
Boomber Stealth series is a continuation of the stealth aircraft Stealth Fighter series has been developed extensively. Series stealth aircraft known this is the type of Black Manta and B2. Cruising faster and more elusive on the radar of the Stealth Fighter series. Although even so, the strategy of attack still depends on information from the target.
Currently ditujukkan future projects to develop anti-radar technology (Stealth Technology), unmanned surveillance aircraft (UAVs or Unmanned Aerial vehicles) and aircraft (UCAVs, Unmanned combat aerial vehicles), allowed to roam in areas with high-speed cruising very high, known as the "AURORA". Because the aircraft is unmanned, the aircraft is believed to be driven with tremendous speed. In other words, men that can really make a celestial body is unknown. Along with it came again the idea of ​​developing the X-33 spacecraft that technology has not been tested. But the spacecraft X-33 has been believed to be a version of Aurora that is WHITE (for the sake of peace).

In line with research of advanced fighter aircraft, also obtained data on the presence of celestial beings are headed toward Earth, which is better known as the Alien. Finally we come to a question how likely the presence of aliens in the universe. For that matter, Area 51 has been involved in the investigation of alien technology. Based on that issue and was widely believed by many experts, that a team of Area 51 have been discovered and investigated in secret UFO debris found in the Roswell area, the state of New Mexico, United States, 1947. Although there was not yet clear evidence, some outside experts have suspected that the Area 51 scientists claimed to have and maintain an alien creature in a very secret place. Claim is reinforced by the recognition of a physicist Bob Lazar, in 1989 that he had worked at one research site located on the south Area 51 and Area 51 have claimed that the test aircraft extraordinary sophistication and also has communicated with aliens.
The existence of aliens at Area 51 This raises a conspiracy theory that is the result of data collection from the wreckage that crashed in Roswell Alien and recognition of Bob Lazar has been involved in these activities, such as meetings or contacts with the state in space by using just enough equipment, the development of highly-energy weapons high and activities that are widespread throughout the world. Based on the outstanding issues of this conspiracy theory activities conducted at Groom Lake is located in the vicinity of Area 51. But so far there has not been a scientific explanation explicit in explaining the existence of a real alien. Enterprises that can be done is to collect data in the form of reports and photos amateur UFO shots.
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