Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Cara Mudah Download Video Youtube Tanpa IDM

Cara download youtube dengan mudah di Android, Blackberry bahkan di web browser apapun ..
Siapasih yang gak pernah buka situs youtube? Pasti yang belum pernah karena internetnya lelet ya? Atau quota takut habis karena streamingan, hehe tapi pasti taukan situs youtube itu apa? ...
Youtube adalah website video, kamu bisa cari video apa saja disana, mulai dari video klip sampai acara tv pasti ada yang uploud. Nah untuk kamu yang gak mau ribet download youtube ini ada cara mudah bin gampang nih. Kamu gak perlu pake software Internet Download Manager, gak perlu pake plugin browser pokoknya gak perlu pake aplikasi. Simak aja deh caranya dibawa.
  1. Kalo mau download video Youtube kamu harus dapetin dulu url videonya . Kaya digambar bawah nih.. 
  2. Kalo sudah dapet tinggal ditambahin aja depannya dengan huruf “SS” jadinya seperti ini URLnya jadi, nanti akan diarahkan kesitus downloadnya seperti gambar dibawah.ssyou
Gampang dan mudah bangetkan download video di youtube, kalo udah gtu tinggal pilih format apa yang kamu ingin download! ini juga bisa jalan di smartphone juga kok.

Semoga Cara download video youtube dengan mudah tanpa IDM ini memberikan pencerahan. Selamat mencoba...
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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Optimally Using Modem Speed Setting For Increasing Internet Speed Make Easy

For internet users who use  modem (GSM or CDMA) for connection, and you think the internet speed is not optimal (slow),  maybe the trick below will be able to help or resolve

One way to increase the speed of internet connection is to optimize the speed or the speed setting on the modem.
Usually the dial-up software to connect to the internet (built-in with modem) is using a modem default setting speed and it is usually not optimal.

When the computer (Windows) you've ever used to connect to the internet using dial-up software built modem, then in the connection menu will appear automatically dialup modem  profile list, according to the profile that has ever made by dial-up software.

• Click on the network icon (see arrow in image / Windows 7)
See  dial-up profiles, select which ones you currently use, if you are not sure which one, do connect as usual using the dial-up software built with modem, if already connected back to see here and check which one has the status is connected. do disconnect if you have found .

• Right-click on the your dial-up

• Click on Properties

• Click on Configure, Modem Configuration window will appear
• Select the speed to the highest rate
• On All Hardware Features give checklists, click OK .. OK

• Setting speed modem is already done,
• To Start the connection  is from here (not from dial-up software built modem)

• Enter the Username and Password (you have from the ISP) and then click Dial

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Disable Shutdown, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate Menu in Windows

Using menu in windows usually difficult if dont know operate method, you might want to make a computer could not be turned off easily. For example because you are running a program that need a long time to wait ( download a big file, rendering a video, etc ). And you have to leave the room. To prevent a friend or anyone else to turn off the computer, then one way is to disable the function of Shutdown, Restart, Sleep or Hibernate menu.

Here are the steps you have to follow :

• Click Start

• For Windows 7, type gpedit.msc in the  Search Programs and Files column
• For Windows XP, type gpedit.msc in the RUN command
• Click OK or hit  Enter, it will show the Local Group Policy Editor
• Go to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu And Taskbar
• For Windows 7, in the right pane,  find the Remove and Prevent Access to the shutdown, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate. Then double click on it

Remove and Prevent Access to the shutdown (Windows 7)
• For Windows XP, on the right pane,  find the  Remove and Prevent access to the Shut Down command. Then double click on it

Remove and Prevent access to the Shut Down command (Windows XP)
• Select Enable, then click OK

• See the result. We can't  Shutdown, Restart, Sleep, Hibernate anymore, and neither when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del,  these functions are disable.

• To make it back in to the normal function, just follow all the steps above, except for the last one, you need to change back the option from Enable to Disable.

• When being in a state of disable, in fact we can still shutdown the computer. the way is by typing the instructions in the search (Windows 7) or in  the RUN command (windows XP ).
The instructions are :
shutdown /s (for shutdown)
shutdown /r (to restart).
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Saturday, 2 February 2013

Disable Files Data Copy To USB Flashdisk / USB External Disk

How to disable data copy to USB Flashdisk / USB External Disk when your  laptop or computer is often used by others, while a lot of important data in it, o f course you  do not want your data copied by them without permission

To make disable copy to USB external drive or flashdisk, one way is with  making change setting in regedit editor

The steps are :

• Press Win + R (to go to Run Command )
• Type Regedit, and then click OK (Will appear Windows Registry Editor )

Type 'regedit' in Run command

In the Registry Editor window
• Double click  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
• Double click  SYSTEM
• Double-click  CurrentControlSet

• Right-click on Control, => click New => click Key.   
Give the name : StorageDevicePolicies

• Right-click on StorageDevicePolicies (just created), => Click New => Choose  DWORD (32-bit) Value => give a name : WriteProtect

• Double click WriteProtect (just created), => Change the Value data from 0 to  1 => click OK

• Log off and logon again the computer to see the result, try copying file to flashdisk. copying will disallowed.

• To return to the Normal condition, change the Value data  to 0, or delete key and the Dword that we have created, by right click => click delete.
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Saturday, 8 December 2012

Cara Download File Torrent Dengan Mudah dan Cepat

Bagaimana cara mendownload file torrent dengan menggunakan uTorrent, Bittorent, atau software lainnya yang dapat mendownload file torrent, namun kita harus bersabar karena waktu downloadnya yang lama. Bagi Anda yang ingin download file torrent namun lebih cepat waktu downloadnya, silahkan simak Cara Download File Torrent Dengan IDM berikut. Biasanya kita mendownload file torrent dengan menggunakan uTorrent, namun kita harus bersabar karena waktu downloadnya yang lama. Syaratnya Cara Download File Torrent Dengan IDM tentunya Anda harus sudah menginstall IDM-nya terlebih dahulu. Kemudian siapkan file torrentnya, Anda bisa cari file torrent-nya di website yang menyediakan file-file torrent kemudian download file torrent-nya dan simpan di komputer Anda. Atau silahkan copy link atau magnet link-nya dari file torrent tersebut.

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Cara Download File Torrent Dengan IDM

Anda juga bisa mempause dan melanjutkan mendownload file pada IDM seperti halnya yang Anda lakukan ketika menggunakan uTorrent.
Namun perlu diperhatikan bagi pengguna layanan FREE, batas maksimum kecepatan download hanya sampai 150 KB/s, maksimum size file torrent-nya 8 GB, kita diberikan 7 hari untuk mendownloadnya dari setelah 7 hari maka kita tidak bisa mendownloadnya lagi. Dan kita hanya diberikan 2 tempat untuk menyimpan file Torrent di Jadi kalau kita mempunyai file torrent yang akan di download lebih dari 2 buah, dan jika ingin bisa terus mendownload hapus dahulu history di browser kesayangan anda.
Dianjurkan anda jangan mem-pause saat mendownload file pada IDM, dikarnakan bisa menyebabkan file corrupt.
Demikian sharing Cara Download File Torrent Dengan IDM untuk saat ini, mudah-mudahan terus tetap hidup dan terus memberikan layanan FREE-nya untuk kita. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba.
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Sunday, 1 January 2012

Reduce Size File Picture Using MS Outlook

Microsoft Outlook (e-mail client software from Microsoft) for workplace, and  if you  need to make smaller  or resize the picture file, you can use this Ms. Outlook by sending the attachment (the picture) to your friend  or to yourself, and receive the new size of the attachment

Here's the way :
• Highlight / block the picture/s
• Right-click on it , and select Sent To -> Mail recipient
  (click on image to enlarge)

The dialog will appear to select the image output dimension, the smaller dimension will also become smaller file size,
• Click Attach

• Will appear a window for sending email, do as usual, like when you will send an e-mail.
Send to your friend or to yourself.

When received, the image / picture files has been minimized in size.
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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How to Delete The File or Folder Permanently in Windows

When delete the file in windows, it move to the Recycle Bin, useful for avoid unwanted file deleteted or maybe oneday we still need.
But if you are sure the files no longer needed, or need for space in hard disk without go to the recycle bin,
there is nothing wrong if delete permanently.
Just Press and hold SHIFT key at the same time when you are deleting the file, the file will be deleted forever permanently.
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