Showing posts with label Flora Fauna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flora Fauna. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 June 2011

10 Serangga yang Paling Beracun di Dunia

Kita sering mengira bahwa serangga hanya dapat melukai diri kita dengan gigitannya yang tak memiliki tingkat berbahaya namun apakah kita tahu bahwa gigitan serangga ada yang memiliki racun yang sangat berbahaya. Inilah 10 serangga yang memiliki racun atau yang lebih spesifiknya lagi serangga yang paling beracun di dunia.

10.Fire Ants

Fire ant menyebakan paling banyak gigitan dan kematian di antara jenis semut lainnya. Sekitar 20 kematian di dunia sengatan nya menyebabkan kita merasa seperti kena bakar, pembengkakan yg sakit dan bisa mati kalo ada reaksi alergi. Ditemukan di Asia, Amerika, Eropa.



Killerbee adalah serangga yg paling banyak membunuh nomor 2 (nomor 1 nya nyamuk). Sekitar 600 kematian pertahun di dunia. Kalo di USA nya sendiri, 100 orang mati. Lebah paling AGRESIF jika di sengat, terjadi pembengkakan yg sakit, bisa mati karena reaksi alergi dan mungkin sesak napas. Di temukan di Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan

8.Yellow Jacket

Tawon jenis ini adalah yang paling AGRESIF. Menyebabkan kasus gigitan paling banyak di antara tawon. Jika di sengat menyebabkan, kemerah-merahan, gatal-gatal, pembengkakan di kulit yg menyakitkan, bisa mati karena reaksi alergi. Di temukan di Amerika Utara



Kelabang paling berbisa diantara species kelabang yg lain. Jika di sengat, bisa gatal-gatal, pembengkakan dan reaksi alergi, gagal ginjal, perhentian jantung bisa terjadi dan menyebabkan kematian. Di temukan di Amerika Selatan

6.Western Honeybee


Lebah paling BERBISA, tapi kurang agresif dan jarang menyeran di bandingkan dengan Africanized Honeybee (killerbee) jika di sengat. Gatal-gatal, bengkak, kemerah-merahan, mati jika ada reaksi alergi di temukan di Eropa.

5.Paper Wasp


Tawon paling BERBISA dan menyebabkan kematian paling banyak di antara tawon yang lain. Sekitar 30 kematian di dunia. Jika di sengat reaksinya adalah kemerah-merahan, gatal-gatal, bengkak, bisa juga kena diare, panas, kejang-kejang, gagal ginjal. Bisa mati jika alergi. Di temukan di Amerika Utara, Eropa.

4.Giant Japanese Hornet


Serangga bersayap paling BERBISA. Menyuntikkan racun paling banyak dalam satu sengat-an. Jika di sengat reaksinya adalah pembengkakan yg luar biasa sakitnya di kulit dan bisa nge-Dissolve kulit manusia. Bisa mati karena reaksi alergi. Karena efek racun, bisa menyebabkan kegagalan pernapasan. Di temukan di Jepang, Korea, China, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, India.

3.Red Harvester


Salah satu semut paling BERBISA, tapi kurang agresif dibandingkan Fire Ants. Hanya pernah di temukan di USA. Jika di sengat akan terjadi pembengkakan yang sangat sakit di kulit. Bisa mati karena reaksi alergi.

2.Lonomia Caterpillar


Ulat paling BERBISA di dunia dan serangga paling BERBISA di dunia nomor 2.  Jika di Sengat akan gatal-gatal jika di pegang, pembengkakan yang menyakitkan, muntah-muntah dan demam. Bisa juga pendarahan termasuk pendarahan otak dan gagal ginjal. Bisa mati karena Pendarahan yg besar. Di temukan di Amerika Selatan.

1.Yellow Harvester Ant


Nama lainnya adalah Maricopa Harvester Ant. Yup, kecil dan keliatan-nya tak berbahaya. Tapi ini serangga paling BERBISA. Dengan test LD50 nya yg paling rendah. Hanya di temukan di Arizona dan USA. Jika di gigit reaksinya adalah pembengkakan yang sangat sakit. Bisa mati jika ada reaksi alergi. 1 sengat-an bisa membunuh tikus dengan berat 2kg.

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10 Hewan Terbesar & Terberat di Seluruh Dunia

1. Gajah Afrika (African Elephant)
Average Mass (lb): 18,500 (8500 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 27,000 (13000 kg)
Average Length (ft): 21.85
2. Gajah Asia ( Asian Elephant )
Average Mass (lb): 8,750 (4200 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 11,000 (5200 kg)
Average Length (ft): 19.5

3. Badak Putih Bercula Dua (White Rhinoceros)
Average Mass (lb): 5,000 (2350 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 7,920 (3850 kg)
Average Length (ft): 12.5

4. Kuda Nil (Hippopotamus)
Average Mass (lb): 5,250 (2500 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 7,100 (3400 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11

5. Gaur
Average Mass (lb): 3,300 (1600 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): Unknown
Average Length (ft): 9.8

6. Jerapah (Giraffe)
Average Mass (lb): 3,000 (1400 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,400 (2100 kg)
Average Length (ft): 15.4

7. Walrus
Average Mass (lb): 2,645 (1200 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,500 (2150 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11

8. Badak Hitam Bercula Dua ( Black Rhinoceros )
Average Mass (lb): 2,420 (1150 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,000 (1900 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11.25

9. Buaya ( Saltwater crocodile )
Average Mass (lb): 1,700 (785 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 3,300 (1600 kg)
Average Length (ft): 20

10. Wild Asian Water buffalo
Average Mass (lb): 1,684 (770 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 2,640 (1250 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11.4


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30 Lebah Raksasa Jepang, sanggup Membunuh 30.000 Lebah Madu

Yang dibutuhkan adalah satu. Satu alat pramuka untuk menemukan koloni lebah madu. Menandainya dengan feromon. Kembali dengan serangga yang dilahirkan sebagai pembunuh alami. Dan membuat semua neraka beristirahat, kalah. "Kedengarannya seperti Tarantino terbaru? Hampir. Ini adalah awal dari National Geographic video yang mendokumentasikan penghancuran 30.000 lebah madu Eropa oleh 30 (ya, 30!) Lebah raksasa Asia. Kami telah menemukan lebih lanjut tentang ini serangga pengganggu ini.

Lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan rata-rata lebah madu Eropa, lebah dari Jepang ini adalah salah satu dari serangga predator paling ditakuti. Memiliki panjang 5 cm (2 in) dan dengan lebar sayap sekitar 7,6 cm (3 in), tidak banyak serangga yang mempunyai ukuran seperti ini. Meskipun ditemukan di seluruh Asia, lebah Jepang, alias lebah raksasa Asia (Vespa mandarinia), namun populasi terbanyak di daerah pegunungan di Jepang.
Mereka Besar - Dan tidak selalu sejinak ini:

Sengat lebah Jepang ini berukuran sekitar 6 mm (0.25 in) panjang dan mampu menyuntikkan racun yang sangat kuat yang bahkan dapat merusak jaringan atau menghancurkan daging manusia. Seorang ilmuwan Jepang yang mendapatkan sensasi sengatan menggambarkan sebagai perasaan "seperti paku panas yang didorong ke kakinya." Aduh!
Daging Cincang lagi - Korbannya belalang sembah :

Jika disengat oleh lebah raksasa, harus segera dilakukan pengobatan, karena orang bisa mati jika terkena sengatan mereka. Meskipun kurang beracun dibanding racun lebah madu, namun lebah raksasa Jepang memiliki jumlah racun per sengatan sangat besar, mungkin yang terbesar diantara lebah lebah. Sekitar 40 orang meninggal di Jepang setiap tahun setelah tersengat, terutama sebagai akibat dari reaksi alergi terhadap racun.
Meskipun tidak bekerja baik sebagai lebah dan hanya dapat terbang pada kecepatan hingga 40 km / h (25 mph) dan jarak perjalanan 97 km (60 mil) dalam satu hari. Bahkan predator yang mengesankan seperti belalang sembah tidak berdaya melawan raksasa Jepang ini.
Terlahir Sebagai Pembunuh – Vespa mandarinia
Dan perbandingan daging cincang benar-benar tidak jauh dari: Karena tidak mampu mencerna protein dengan baik, lebah raksasa Asia mengunyah mangsanya menjadi pasta yang bagus yang kemudian dapat memberi makan larvanya. Kemudian larva mereka pada gilirannya menghasilkan cairan bening yang memberi makan lebah dewasa. Seperti rantai makanan.
Dalam berburu sebuah sarang lebah madu, lebah raksasa Asia mempunyai strategi sederhana: Cari, jejak dan menyerang dengan bala bantuan. Satu lebah dapat membunuh sekitar 40 lebah madu Eropa per menit - yang berarti sekitar 30.000 lebah harus dilawan dengan 30 lebah raksasa dan memerlukan waktu sekitar sekitar tiga jam! Sekali sarang dikosongkan, maka mereka mulai pesta lebah madu dan membawa pasta makanan ke sarangnya untuk memberi makan larvanya, yang kemudian menghasilkan cairan untuk makanan mereka sendiri.

Hornets tidak bersembunyi dari siapapun:

Pertahanan Bola Lebah Yang Mengagumkan
Jeff Morales, produser film tentang lebah untuk National Geographic, menjadi sangat akrab pada mereka, banyak waktu diluangkan bersama mereka dan telah mengambil banyak data tentang mereka
"Lebah raksasa Jepang adalah sesuatu yang buruk bagi sebagian besar serangga, tetapi mereka benar-benar merupakan bagian integral dari ekosistem yang rumit. ... Serangga sosial seperti lebah adalah binatang yang sangat menarik, dan ada begitu banyak hal dari cara -cara mereka yang kita belum kita ketahui. "
Namun ada kata-kata Jeff yang sedikit melegakan: umur lebah raksasa Jepang hanya sekitar satu bulan.sumber:
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Sunday, 19 June 2011

10 Strangest and most unique plants in the World

Plant is one of the appendages of human life. Plants help the absorption of water also provide oxygen for humans and animals. Some of them we used to plant in our home page. But there are several species of plants that have special characteristics peculiar, we find that unusual, and some of them very rare.

1. Welwitschia mirabilis: Plants with Extraordinary Durability
Dilhat form is not bad, but the crop this one is truly unique. Plant origin Namibia has only two leaves and a stem with roots. Two leaves will continue to grow bigger-like aliens. The trunk will grow instead of rising again.

This plant will grow to reach 8 meters wide with a height of 2 meters. She was able to reach 400 to 1500 years and will not die even though no rain for 5 years. It felt so stung either raw or cooked, and therefore named Onyanga, which means onion of the desert.

2. Dionaea muscipula: Venus Fly The Trap

The Venus Fly Trap is the most carnivorous plants known for its unique natural traps are active and efficient. Two leaves attached to the plant is filled with ultra-sensitive hairs that detect the presence of any of the ants, flies or other insects. Once someone has touched the fur, the trap will work in less than a second.

3. Arnoldii Rafflesia: The World's Largest Flower

These plants are exotic, very rare, but they are less beautiful, spotted, named Rafflesia Arnoldi one of 16 species of the genus Rafflesia, the world's largest flower. 16 species are known to be found only in Indonesia (Sumatra, Borneo, Java) and Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak).
Rafflesia arnoldii, later incorporated into familiEuphorbiaceae, can be up to 1 meter in diameter with a weight of 7-11 kg achieved.
The flowers will bloom in just 3 days to a week only. While blooming flowers will be putting out the stench was terrible to Indonesia's interest is called carrion flower. The smell is typical of insect pollinators invited to come and allowed him to generations and only 10-20 percent of the seedlings that will be successful and in 9 months, with little kebruntungan, will bloom again.

4. Desmodium gyrans: Plant Dancing

Darwin called Hedysarum, modern botanists call it Desmodium Gyrans, or rather, Codariocalyx Motorius. People call Runmput Dancing or telegraphs, or plant crops semaphores, because the movement of the leaves are like dancing or like movement semaphore code. It includes an easy crop to grow and will be "dancing" at a lot of sunlight or in a dry state. How to dance, just look at the video below:

5. Euphorbia obesa: Plants Baseball

Euphorbia Obesa, also dubbed Baseball plants, commonly grown in the Great Karoo, South Africa. Its population began to be threatened as the plant is often pursued by collectors without thinking of planting again. This makes some organizations within and outside the country react to protect. Although in its natural habitat is still threatened Euphorbia obesa, it's been a lot of farms cultivate them, so they also help ensure that trafficked the collector is not derived from nature.

6. Amorphophallus titanum: carrion flowers

This interest can be more than a high height of a grown man, and issued a stinging smell of rotten anyway. Named Titan Arum, in Indonesia well known as the "corpse flower" because it smells it. This flower is a rare phenomenon and breed thanks to the help of pollinating insects that come because of the smell.

7. Baobab: The Bottle Tree

Baobab is the common name of a genus Adansonia consisting of 8 species of tree, originally from Madagascar. Also known as bottle trees, not only because of its shape is like a bottle, but the tree is also usually able to accommodate about 300 liters of water. No wonder the age of this tree can reach 500 years.

8. Cinnabari Dracaena: Dragon Blood Tree

Dragon Tree Dracaena cinnabari or derived from the Socotra archipelago. Also called the Dragon Blood Tree and Socotra Dragon Tree. This tree is one of the strangest tree on the island of Socotra, with a shape like an umbrella. First published by Isaac Bayley Balfour in 1882. If you look, the tree was once an icon in Windows as a Network icon. Dragon's blood is taken from the color red sap, and can be used as drugs or dyes dyes.

9. Selaginella lepidophylla: Plants of the Risen Back

Known also as the Rose of Jericho, Selaginella Lepidophylla is a species of desert plants for its ability to survive even though preserved by drying. During dry weather in its natural habitat, the stems will shrink into a small ball back and decompose when exposed to moist places. Originally grown in the Chihuahuan desert.

10. Mimosa púdica: The Princess Malu

This one is not weird here. Many are found in tropical regions and also in South and Central America. When touched or shaken leaves will mengkuncup and will reopen in a few minutes. As a feeling
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10 Animals With Brains Unique World's Most Intelligent

10. Jumping Spider Portia Labiata
This species is a member of the genus Portia spiders, and certainly the smallest creatures in the list. Also known as the White-whiskered Portia, they inhabit the critical areas and secondary forests in Africa, Asia, and Australia. These spiders have demonstrated learning ability in laboratory tests and the bug has been labeled the smartest in the world. They perform surprisingly well on a variety of problem-solving tasks. One of the principles of their skills more alluring than the spider webs for their food. To do this they will pull out the rhythm on the corner of the web to mimic the trapped bug or insect intruders. If Portia had encountered this type of spider before, it will remember what rhythmic patterns used to achieve success. That Portia labiata has a great eye and have been seen using a remarkable instinctive behavior. Spiders are planned using a trial-and-error approach to hunting and cognitive showed a strong base. When prey comes and goes, the spider will sit and wait for hours to have a perfect moment to strike. Next, plan ahead and the notion that eating will eventually return. These spiders have also shown signs of selective attention by identifying specific objects and prey upon others.
9. Rat There are hundreds of species of rodents throughout the world. Rats are one of the most studied and tested the animals on the planet. They have research and test subjects for a variety of famous and influential physiological studies. The reason for this is that rats, AOS is similar to human psychology and they are great for comparison experiments. All rats learned new behaviors and tricks that are very easy. A 2007 study found that mice had metacognition, which is a mental ability previously only been documented in humans and some primates. Mice have a remarkable sense of smell and hearing. They have been trained to detect landmines and bombs. Research and advanced technology has been suggested that rats could even smell and identify tuberculosis-infected human sputum samples. These remarkable animals solve the maze. Rats are social animals and showing signs of remorse, joy, loss, and stress. They dream in a very similar way as humans. They also demonstrate exceptional organizational and treatment techniques. Just remember, rats are intelligent and friendly creatures so don, AOT fear them. I included this funny clip rats.
8. Ravens & Crows
I have bundled the two together because both are members of the Corvidae family of birds. This family is widely regarded as the most intelligent of all birds. Crow peak IQ scale, which is the scientific testing to determine the intelligence of birds. They can count, distinguish complex shapes, and perform the duties of observational learning. Crows are very social creatures and will be involved in the air to form a jousting pecking order. Wild hooded crows in Israel have learned to use bread crumbs as bait fish, think in advance and anticipate the catch. The New Caledonian Crow have been greatly studied for its ability to use these tools in every day looking for food. This includes creating a knife that cut from the leaves and stems of grass. They are also using advanced picking, smoothing and bending of twigs and grass stems to produce a variety of food substances. Similar to the crow crows, but larger sizes. Both species are black and the main difference is in their vocalizations. Ravens do much the same behavior as a raven, but they have been recognized for their ability to drop the nuts, clams, muscles, and clams on the highway, waiting for cars to run them over, and then collect the prize.
7. Border Collie
Border Collie is widely regarded as the most intelligent dog breed in the world. They usually spend their time tending sheep and cattle handling a variety of forms, but also make great pets. With various forms of physical exercise and mental stimulation this is the fastest dog to learn. The breed originated in Scotland, Welsh and English border and the dogs made an immediate impact on the agricultural industry. It has been established that in certain areas of Outback Australia collie trained to do five times the amount of work that humans can manage. Border Collie dogs dominated the sport over all breeds. They excel in the high jump, the utility of the course, fly-ball, and can even take first place in dog dancing competitions. They have an incredible sense of smell and is widely regarded as the dogs are great. They can be trained as drug dogs, or in search and rescue as well. These dogs will clearly identify you as an individual personality, they will learn your routine, anticipate what will happen next, and find ways to get what they want.
6. North Pacific Giant Octopus
These creatures live in deep water. They are family owned and Cephalopod mollusks class. All types of cephalopods are known to have exceptional intellectual abilities. Octopus is considered the most intelligent invertebrate life. In the experimental conditions these animals have shown short-and long-term memory. They have a remarkable observation of learning and problem solving abilities. Octopuses have nervous systems very large, but only partially found in their brains. About two-thirds of an octopus, ao neurons can be found on the rope around and the arm. There is a sleeve having a very large autonomy. They are masters of mimicry and camouflage. They are professional escape artist and can often be found on the hull crabs, eat the catch. These animals are very keen eyesight, sense of touch, and very fast. There are reports from the North Pacific Giant Octopus at £ 600, with 30-foot span of the hand. They don, AOT make pets or zoo big attractions. In one recent story, a flood octopus Santa Monica Pier Aquarium by turning the valve and let hundreds of gallons of water to overflow the tank.
5. African Grey Parrot
African Grey parrot is a species found in West and Central African rainforests. Parrots have long been able to show that they can imitate human speech, but the African Grey can associate words with meaning and form small sentences. These birds communicate with each other through the songs, calls, and body language. African Grey's can easily be trained to have conversations and activities. They managed to imitate, create voices and sound perfect household. One specific type of bird Alex. Alex can identify more than fifty objects, seven colors, five shapes, and a numeric value of up to six. He understands the difference between big and small, above and below, and even show emotion understanding by telling the handler "will go away" when he became bored with testing. Then there is the story of the African Grey Parrot in Nagarey, Japan lost by their owners, wounded, and sent to a veterinary hospital. While in hospital the bird began to speak with a veterinarian stating "I'm Mr. Yosuke Nakamura." He also provides a complete home address to the last number. Pretty sure he was right and returned home, but not before entertaining the hospital with songs and dances.
4. Elephant
There are three living species of elephants, African Bush Elephant, African forest elephant and Asian elephant. All offspring inherit the same genetic estimated genius. In many cultures the elephant is seen as a symbol of wisdom and are known for their incredible memories. They create a mental map and is said to remember the exact location of water holes and feeding them is not visited for years. Elephant is the largest brain of any land animal. Elephants have exceptional hearing and they use their ears and trunk to listen. They communicate with the bellows, roars, like a trumpet call, and can even transmit the sound remotely by using the land. This animal was one of the few species that has shown mirror self-recognition and can identify themselves as independents. It is considered a test basis of empathy, altruism, and higher social interaction within a species. Elephants have been noted to various behaviors. Including actions associated with grief, making music, love, play, and use sophisticated tools. Elephants have extraordinary taste for artistic achievement. They can paint a portrait that expresses itself. Check out this amazing video elephant painting another elephant three-dimensional image.
3. Rhesus monkey monkey
Besides humans, monkeys are the most widespread genus in the world. Rhesus monkeys are known for intelligence and because it has been widely used in biological and medical research. This beast has a remarkable memory, the ability to learn, and make their own decisions. They use a very similar facial expressions and understood by humans. Rhesus Monkey's have demonstrated suicidal tendencies, planning attacks, and very socially complex animals. They have detailed vowel systems that share similarities with human communication. Research on the genome sequencing of the Rhesus Monkey completed in 2007, so that both non-human primates to do this. This suggests that humans and apes share 93% of their genetic DNA. Human and ape chromosomes mosaic with each other. Monkey species, along with many others, have been used to lure the monkeys throughout history. This is a roman style battles between monkeys and other exotic animals. Monkey's done amazing in this competition, won with intelligence. This gave birth to the legend of Jacco Macacco, which is celebrated gladiator monkeys. With precision engineering and extraordinary he usually sends his opponent in three minutes or less.
2. Dolphins Bottle
Families who cetacean, which consists of dolphins and whales are considered as the most intelligent animals that inhabit the oceans. Bottle dolphin live in warm waters worldwide and is the most intelligent species of dolphins. It has a very large brain and the cerebral cortex and the frontal lobe is 40% larger then a human. Cerebral cortex is the part of the brain responsible for social communications, the abstract information processing, problem solving, and intelligence of a higher lever. Dolphins bottle very easily trained. They have been found to have the ability to think, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, understand ideas, and learn from previous experiences. They use echolocation to hunt prey, and certain forms of squeaks and whistles to communicate with one another. It is also interesting to see that in many occasions this dolphin show remorse for the other species and are aware of the signs. In one recent story, the local dolphin named Moko saved two Pygmy sperm whales stranded on New Zealand. Whales have been stranded for hours when Moko appeared and led the pair through the bars of sand for safety. It was a beautiful sight for locals and national news.
1. Common Chimpanzee
It can be found in wet tropical forests and savannas of West and Central Africa. Chimpanzee's to learn, perform tasks thought organization, and has a better memory then any other animal. They have been known to beat those college-educated in the memory test. They can be taught to use computers to solve numerical problems. These animals can quickly adapt and perform sign language to communicate with humans. Chimpanzees have been observed using advanced knowledge. This includes making a spear to take animals out of small holes in trees, using branches to lure and capture prey, using stones to break nuts, and leaves a sponge to absorb water. They have seen an attack using tactical maneuvers, such as flanking prey. They often use mental manipulation within their families. Chimpanzee Genome Project is completed in 2005. This suggests that chimpanzees share 98% genetically the same DNA as humans. Was approximately four to six million years since humans and chimpanzees that deviate from their common evolutionary ancestor. More recently, chimpanzees have been seen teaching sign language to their babies without any human intervention. We have just begun to understand the mental ability of chimpanzees correctly.
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