Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What Is a Smart Cell Charger?

An intelligent battery charger is another name for a microprocessor-controlled charger. These chargers are designed to work only with brainpower batteries from the same manufacturer. This is because the mind cells contain special microchips that are programmed to communicate with an intellect cell charger of the same brand.
Intelligent batteries are typically understood to be cells that are capable of complex functioning. The microchips in them help inform the user of its current state of charge (SoC) and state of health (SoH). They are popularly used in medical equipment, computer devices, video and digital cameras and military tools. As SoC and SoH are important to their functionality, noopsyche cells are natural matches for these devices. It's important to note that cells that simply inform a charger to recharge the battery to a certain level are not typically considered to be smart cells.
An intellectual battery charger is built to make charging precise and because of this, it is unlikely to suffer from overcharging, and trickle charges can be successfully maintained. Intelligent Batteries are equipped with microchips that work with a specific and corresponding charging unit. To make sure that smart cells are not damaged, consumers should always charge their cells with the same manufacturer's smart cell charger. Charging the battery with a foreign smart cell charger may result in the nullification of any free or purchased warranties that the consumer has on the battery.
Several types of intelligent cells may exist and some consumers may have to research their cells before deciding on a specific charger to purchase. Maintenance-free, Wet Cell (flooded), Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM), Gel Cell and Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) are some of the different types of intelligent cells that a consumer may have purchased. Documentation to these cells should be studied before investing in a charger. Business owners who sell battery chargers may often advise customers that one type of smart cell charger can work well with many different types of smart cells. However, mixing and matching intelligent cells and chargers may result in damage.
For consumers who are interested in charging cells and minimizing expenses, other options exist besides purchasing chargers. Those who are electronically-inclined may also consider building a smart cell charger on their own. Some knowledge of circuitry may be required to achieve this and building should not be attempted by the novice electrician or consumer. Charging cells this way may also result in voiding warranties or damaging the cell.
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History Of Hybrid Cars

The first problem with working out which was the first hybrid vehicle, is deciding what the term 'hybrid vehicle' means. For example, a barge being pulled by a horse with the current of the canal could be thought of as a hybrid vehicle. However, most individuals these days will agree that a true hybrid vehicle utilizes a 'rechargeable energy storage system' or an RESS.
For instance, this could define a vehicle that utilizes one kind of propulsion, such as an internal combustion engine as its main form of propulsion, while that engine recharges batteries that can also be used to power an electric engine.
I am sure that it will surprise 90% + of individuals to hear that the history of hybrid vehicles is almost as long as the history of automobiles themselves. Porsche is a famous make of expensive sports cars, but in 1898 Ferdinand Porsche, a young Czech student, designed the Loher-Porsche one-cylinder internal combustion engine.
However, this engine was utilized to drive an electric generator, the electricity from which was used to power electric motors which were attached to every of the four wheels. The petrol engine was used only to produce electricity for the electric motors in this early case.
This early hybrid was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 and was capable of travelling at 35 mph (56 kph). In 1901, Porsche drove it himself to win the Exelberg Rally. After this they sold over 300 units of their early hybrid car. Mass production had not been thought of yet and rich people were still sceptical about the new, malodorous technology.
1959 was the next landmark in the history or hybrids because petrol was cheap and few people, if any, foresaw the future for the world and the environment. Anyway, the car developed, the Henney Kilowatt used the early transistors or those days to regulate the flow of electricity. This was the true precursor to contemporary hybrid cars.
One of the inventors of the Henney Kilowatt was Victor Wauk and he was involved in the process of experimenting with electric cars in the Sixties and Seventies. Occasionally, he is known as the Godfather of Hybrid Vehicles.
It is fairly remarkable, but the regenerative braking system used by contemporary hybrids to help recharge a hybrid's batteries was invented in 1978 by the electrical engineer, David Arthurs..
It then took until president Bill Clinton took the initiative to instigate the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles in 1993. It involved the Dept of Energy, Chrysler, ford, GM and one or two others. G. W. Bush replaced this program with his own FreedomCar Initiative in 2001.
This initiative was designed to finance extraordinarily risky or problematic projects for the development of hybrid cars. It has taken us more than 100 years to rejuvenate the initial hybrid concept and we only did that because we were compelled to do it
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Saturday, 17 September 2011

The World's Most Powerful V8

Intake System

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The variable intake system is die-cast from magnesium. It uses a streamlined internal design and a vertical arrangement of intake and exhaust ports. The two internal electronically-operated throttle flaps can be fully opened in 0.1 seconds, giving better response. The air intake is a dual-flow design with two hotwire airflow meters.


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The 32 valves are operated by bucket tappets. The intake valves are 40mm in diameter and the exhaust valves 34mm. Valve clearances are adjusted hydraulically. All four camshafts are continuously variable over a range of 42 degrees with the camshaft timing variation controlled electro-hydraulically.


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The block uses a closed-deck design with a main bearing bedplate. Cast into the alloy are steel components that improve strength and "ensure a reliable oil supply". The engine block and cylinder heads are of cast aluminium-silicon alloys (AlSi7 and AlSi17) with the cylinder walls coated with a twin wire arc spraying (TWAS) process. This results in extremely low friction and wear accompanied by outstanding long-term durability. AMG-Mercedes claim the coating is twice as hard as conventional iron liners.
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During the TWAS process, two metallic wires and an atomising gas are brought together in a coating unit. Passing a high voltage through the tips of the wires breaks the gas molecules down to form a plasma, and the wire tips begin to melt. The atomising gas removes molten metal from the wire tips and sprays these particles onto the cylinder walls to be coated, where they solidify. This is preceded by a high-pressure water jet which roughens the cylinder walls so that the individual sprayed particles adhere to the surface during the TWAS coating process. The cylinder walls are then honed. During this process, the micro-pores in the sprayed coating are partially exposed, which enables them to retain oil when the engine is running and ensure favourable lubrication of the pistons and piston rings.


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The crank is forged 42CRMo4V steel alloy and uses five crankshaft bearings and six counterweights. The counterweights feature heavy metal core plugs, which mean that they can be made significantly more compact. Two lightweight connecting rods forged by the cracking process are connected to each of the four crank pins. The pistons are cast alloy.

Intelligent Thermostat

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The temperature of the coolant is variably controlled. In the interests of optimal in-engine friction and fuel economy, the temperature of the coolant can for example be lowered to 80 degrees Celsius under partial load. Under full load conditions the temperature is raised to 100 degrees "within milliseconds" to achieve the best possible engine cooling. The thermostat controlling the coolant temperature receives its instructions from the engine management system.

Electronic Control

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All engine functions are controlled and executed by a Bosch ME 9.7 control unit. Fuel injection, ignition, the variable intake manifold, camshaft adjustment and variable cooling are all controlled. The microprocessor has 10,000 different characteristic maps and functions in its memory, and is able to carry out up to 70 million individual operations per second.


The new AMG 6.3-litre eight-cylinder engine meets all current exhaust emission standards. Exhaust treatment begins in the air-gap-insulated manifolds, which have a wall thickness of only 1 millimetre. All four ceramic catalytic converters feature thin-wall substrates. A secondary air injection system leads to higher exhaust gas temperatures and supports the heating-up process. It appears that the management system uses the input of the oxygen sensors to form a feedback loop at all engine loads.


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Trials of the new AMG 6.3-litre eight-cylinder engine were conducted in two stages. The development work started with analyses of basic mechanical functions, the oil circuit, power characteristics with various intake duct and camshaft configurations, plus the definition of fuel injection quantities, fuel consumption and exhaust emission values – all these were studied on the dynamic simulation test benches at Mercedes-AMG. Engines with outputs exceeding 735 kW/1000 hp can be dynamically tested in this facility.
After completion of the basic work in Affalterbach, the first test vehicles equipped with the new AMG eight-cylinder engine were sent onto public roads and test tracks in all the climatic regions of the earth. These tests included:
High-altitude trials in Denver, Colorado (USA), Lesotho (South Africa) and Granada (Spain)
Heat trials in Death Valley, California (USA), Upington (South Africa), Idiada test track (Spain) and Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
Road trials in Los Angeles, California (USA)
Cold trials in Arctic Falls (Sweden)
Various test runs on the high-speed circuits in Nardo (Italy) and Papenburg (Germany)
Tests in the DaimlerChrysler wind tunnel
In addition, various endurance trials were carried out with the aim of simulating the engine’s entire operating life under the most extreme conditions:
Nürburgring north loop: The engine was tested under predominantly full load conditions on the world’s most demanding racetrack.
Mixed road endurance trials: Testing under everyday conditions. The vehicles were loaded to their gross vehicle weight and subjected to a defined test program on country roads, motorways and in city traffic.
Stress endurance trials at the DaimlerChrysler test site in Papenburg: Extreme acceleration and deceleration cycles under predominantly full load conditions, with high stresses on the oil circuit, cooling system and fuel supply.
Endurance trials in the hills of the Swabian Alb region: The vehicles were loaded to their gross vehicle weight and towed a two-tonne trailer. The route covered country roads with numerous uphill and downhill gradients, and subjected the engine, transmission and cooling system to very high stresses.
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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How to Delete The File or Folder Permanently in Windows

When delete the file in windows, it move to the Recycle Bin, useful for avoid unwanted file deleteted or maybe oneday we still need.
But if you are sure the files no longer needed, or need for space in hard disk without go to the recycle bin,
there is nothing wrong if delete permanently.
Just Press and hold SHIFT key at the same time when you are deleting the file, the file will be deleted forever permanently.
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Monday, 4 July 2011

10 Makanan Penyebab Bau Badan

Bau badan dan bau mulut adalah permasalahan yang seringkali mempengaruhi rasa percaya diri seseorang. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi timbulnya bau badan seperti diet, jenis kelamin, pekerjaan, suasana hati, genetika dan obat-obatan.
Deodoran mungkin cukup efektif menutupi bau tak sedap dari badan, tetapi sebagian pakar berpendapat penggunaan deodoran terlalu sering bisa berpengaruh buruk. Perubahan pola diet sepertinya bisa menjadi alternatif bagi Anda untuk mengurangi bau badan yang buruk.
Berikut ini adalah makanan yang harus Anda batasi untuk mencegah bau badan dan bau mulut:
1. Rempah-rempah
Rempah-rempah dengan aroma kuat ketika dicerna umumnya akan menghasilkan gas sulfur yang diserap oleh darah dan dieliminasi melalui paru-paru dan pori-pori kulit. Hal ini menyebabkan bau mulut dan bau badan. Contoh makanan tersebut adalah bawang putih, bawang merah, dan kari.
2. Daging Merah
Butuh waktu lama untuk mencerna daging merah. Ketika makanan tidak tercerna, racun dan gas berbau busuk dilepaskan yang merupakan penyebab bau keringat. Sebuah studi yang diterbitkan oleh Chemical menyimpulkan, wanita menilai pria yang tidak mengkonsumsi daging lebih menyenangkan, lebih menarik, dan sedikit mengalami bau badan daripada pria yang makan daging.
3. Alkohol & Kafein
Meskipun mengonsumsi alkohol dan kafein (kopi, teh, cokelat, soda, dll) telah menjadi kebiasaan, dengan membatasi minuman tersebut, badan anda akan terasa lebih segar dan tidak menimbulkan bau.
4. Makanan Olahan & Junk Food
Konsumsi makanan olahan yang terlalu banyak garam/gula, tepung, minyak terhidrogenasi, dan sebagainya, cenderung akan membusuk di perut, sehingga memproduksi bau napas yang tidak diinginkan dan bau badan.
5. Karbohidrat Rendah
Pemotongan pada karbohidrat menyebabkan asupan makanan kaya protein berlebih. Ini dapat membantu membakar timbunan lemak dalam tubuh. Namun, proses ini melepaskan keton ke dalam aliran darah Anda yang membuat Anda mencium bau keringat yang buruk.
6. Produk Susu
Produk susu juga kaya protein, yang ketika dipecah dalam perut Anda, menimbulkan hidrogen sulfida dan metil merkaptan pemicu bau busuk.
7. Kolin
Makanan yang kaya kolin bisa membuat keringat Anda seperti bau ikan. Beberapa orang, yang tidak bisa mencerna makanan ini mudah, "berbau amis." Contoh makanan tersebut adalah telur, hati, ikan, dan kacang-kacangan.
8. Gorengan
Lemak dan minyak yang ada dalam makanan yang digoreng dan berlemak menjadi tengik dengan berjalannya waktu, dan bisa mengarah pada pencernaan yang buruk. Hal ini juga menyebabkan bau badan yang buruk.
9. Tembakau
Asap rokok yang bercampur dengan unsur-unsur lain dan keluar melalui kelenjar keringat akan menimbulkan bau tak sedap yang khas. Bahkan setelah berhenti merokok, bau ini akan tetap tinggal di badan Anda dalam waktu berminggu-minggu.
10. Trimetilamina
Beberapa orang memiliki kelainan genetik yang dikenal sebagai trimethylaminuria. Dalam kondisi ini, tubuh tidak mampu untuk memecah asam amino, trimetilamin, yang lagi-lagi menghasilkan bau badan amis. Ada banyak makanan yang mengandung asam amino, seperti seafood, minyak ikan, telur, hati, susu sapi, kacang-kacangan, produk kedelai, brokoli.
Untuk mencegah bau badan, ada beberapa cara yang bisa Anda lakukan diantaranya:
- Minum air putih yang banyak
- Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung serat, dan buah-buahan yang rendah kolin (apel, stroberi, jeruk, anggur, tomat, nanas, pisang dan semangka).
Jika Anda bisa mengubah pola diet Anda, tidak perlu lagi khawatir dengan bau badan yang selama ini mengintai Anda. Selain itu, Anda juga tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk membeli deodoran.
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Friday, 1 July 2011

Jual Motor Honda Tiger 2002 Hitam

Halo bro n sist
Ane mw jual murah nih Sepeda Motor Honda Tiger 2002,,warna hitam,,udah monoshock ,,swingarm dan ban gede bawaan dari lahir (dptnya udh gtu bro),,hehe
Kondisi bagus cek aj sendiri daripada penasaran :),,pajak STNK nya masih panjang,,dibuka dengan harga Rp.6.5 juta,,nego tipis boleh ditawar tpi jgn sadis ye :D
Tiger ane jual karena gak pernah dipake (ane lbh suka naek transportasi umum,,hehe) atau ada bro n sist yang punya motor matic/mio boleh deh tukar,,harga bisa qta nego lagi/tukar bersih langsung,,segitu dulu ye testimoninya,,klo ada yang minat/tanya2/nego2 bisa kasi komen aj dlu dibawah,,tar pasti dibales kok klo ane online,,yang minat SANGAT SERIUS aj,,klo emg tar gk laku mw ane modif aje nih Tiger klo engga’ ya nunggu ampe laku :D tq
Barang   : Black Honda Tiger 2002 Monoshock
Harga    : Rp. 6.500.000,- (negotiable)
COD     : Depok – Jakarta – Jabodetabek - Bogor
Lokasi   : Fakultas Teknik UI Depok
Telpon saja ke : SUDAH LAKU (TERJUAL)

Ini penampakannya :

Thank's bro n sis atas perhatiannya
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Thursday, 30 June 2011

15 SEO Tips, Trik & Teknik Untuk Meningkatkan Bantuan Situs Indexed

Tips SEO bawah ini akan membantu website anda mendapatkan diindeks di Google. Berikut ini panduan seo akan membantu Google, Yahoo, MSN, dan mesin pencari lainnya untuk mengindeks dan peringkat situs web Anda lebih mudah. Jika situs web Anda tidak mengikuti pedoman ini, maka saatnya untuk mengimplementasikan tips ini. Anda harus tahu bahwa mesin pencari indeks utama dan peringkat situs web Anda berdasarkan bagaimana Anda desain tampilan dan isi di dalamnya. Memiliki desain web yang menarik mungkin tip yang baik tapi isinya bahkan lebih penting.

    1. Langkah pertama adalah untuk mengirimkan situs Anda ke mesin pencari utama:
    2. Buat sitemap dan mengirimkannya ke Google Sitemap dan Yahoo. Hal ini akan membantu untuk Search Engine untuk struktur situs Anda. Sebuah peta situs online juga membantu untuk menunjuk ke bagian-bagian penting dari situs Anda.
    3. Setiap halaman web harus memiliki setidaknya satu link ke halaman lainnya statis.
    4. Website Anda tidak harus memiliki terlalu banyak link pada setiap halaman yang diberikan (kurang dari 100 link).
    5. Setiap halaman web harus memiliki setidaknya beberapa kata kunci dalam huruf tebal.
    6. Jangan gunakan terlalu banyak gambar, menggunakan teks yang lebih baik untuk menampilkan konten website Anda.
    7. Judul, deskripsi, meta tag harus deskriptif dan akurat.
    8. Search engine tidak suka link yang rusak sehingga website Anda tidak harus memiliki.
    9. Jika website Anda adalah tentang menjual produk dan memiliki halaman dinamis, Anda harus menggunakan mod menulis kembali untuk memperpendek url tersebut.
   10. Submit website Anda ke situs bookmark sosial.
   11. Kirimkan situs Anda ke direktori artikel Ezine dan lainnya.
   12. Pertukaran link timbal balik juga membantu tentang SEO.
   13. Berpartisipasi dalam blog dan forum diskusi.
   14. Konten adalah raja.
   15. Bersabarlah.
Ini adalah Teknik SEO yang akan membantu situs web Anda diindeks lebih cepat di Google, Yahoo, MSN dan mesin pencari utama lainnya. Bisakah Anda menambahkan lebih banyak?
Masukan Anda dihargai.
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