Monday, 20 July 2015

Biomass Energy

Biomass energy or bioenergy - the energy from organic matter - for thousands of years, ever since people started burning wood to cook food or to keep warm.
And today, wood is still our largest biomass energy resource. But many other sources of biomass can now be used, including plants, residues from agriculture or forestry, and the organic component of municipal and industrial wastes. Even the fumes from landfills can be used as a biomass energy source.
The use of biomass energy has the potential to greatly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass generates about the same amount of carbon dioxide as fossil fuels, but every time a new plant grows, carbon dioxide is actually removed from the atmosphere. The net emission of carbon dioxide will be zero as long as plants continue to be replenished for biomass energy purposes. These energy crops, such as fast-growing trees and grasses, are called biomass feedstocks. The use of biomass feedstocks can also help increase profits for the agricultural industry.

Biomass Energy technology applications:
  • Biofuels
    Converting biomass into liquid fuels for transportation.
  • Biopower
    Burning biomass directly, or converting it into a gaseous fuel or oil, to generate electricity.
  • Bioproducts
    Converting biomass into chemicals for making products that typically are made from petroleum.
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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Hydrogen Power System Fuel Cell

Hydrogen is the simplest element. An atom of hydrogen consists of only one proton and one electron. It's also the most plentiful element in the universe. Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn't occur naturally as a gas on the Earth - it's always combined with other elements. Water, for example, is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O).
Hydrogen is also found in many organic compounds, notably the hydrocarbons that make up many of our fuels, such as gasoline, natural gas, methanol, and propane. Hydrogen can be separated from hydrocarbons through the application of heat - a process known as reforming. Currently, most hydrogen is made this way from natural gas. An electrical current can also be used to separate water into its components of oxygen and hydrogen. This process is known as electrolysis. Some algae and bacteria, using sunlight as their energy source, even give off hydrogen under certain conditions.
Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces almost no pollution. NASA has used liquid hydrogen since the 1970s to propel the space shuttle and other rockets into orbit. Hydrogen fuel cells power the shuttle's electrical systems, producing a clean byproduct - pure water, which the crew drinks.
A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water. Fuel cells are often compared to batteries. Both convert the energy produced by a chemical reaction into usable electric power. However, the fuel cell will produce electricity as long as fuel (hydrogen) is supplied, never losing its charge.
Fuel cells are a promising technology for use as a source of heat and electricity for buildings, and as an electrical power source for electric motors propelling vehicles. Fuel cells operate best on pure hydrogen. But fuels like natural gas, methanol, or even gasoline can be reformed to produce the hydrogen required for fuel cells. Some fuel cells even can be fueled directly with methanol, without using a reformer.
In the future, hydrogen could also join electricity as an important energy carrier. An energy carrier moves and delivers energy in a usable form to consumers. Renewable energy sources, like the sun and wind, can't produce energy all the time. But they could, for example, produce electric energy and hydrogen, which can be stored until it's needed. Hydrogen can also be transported (like electricity) to locations where it is needed.
Flowing water creates energy that can be captured and turned into electricity. This is called hydroelectric power or hydropower.
The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. But hydroelectric power doesn't necessarily require a large dam. Some hydroelectric power plants just use a small canal to channel the river water through a turbine.
Another type of hydroelectric power plant - called a pumped storage plant - can even store power. The power is sent from a power grid into the electric generators. The generators then spin the turbines backward, which causes the turbines to pump water from a river or lower reservoir to an upper reservoir, where the power is stored. To use the power, the water is released from the upper reservoir back down into the river or lower reservoir. This spins the turbines forward, activating the generators to produce electricity.
A small or micro-hydroelectric power system can produce enough electricity for a home, farm, or ranch.
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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Dijual Murah Sepeda (Merino)

Dijual Murah Sepeda (Merek Merino) cocok untuk segala usia, dijual second/bekas, kondisi masih bagus, saya jual santai bagi yang membutuhkan siapa cepat dia dapat, dijual murah beserta semua kelengkapannya.
Bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan menghubungi ke no.hp 081311264365 (Telpon saja)
COD Sekitaran Lippo Cikarang Bekasi
Spesifikasi : Sepeda Merk Merino
Dijual Rp.550.000 (Nego)
Kondisi Lengkap, Masih Bagus, Semua berfungsi Normal
Minus : Agak Berdebu karena jarang saya pakai, Ada sedikit bunyi karena jarang melumasin di  bagian gir rantai tapi tidak masalah semua masih bisa berfungsi normal baik.
Contact Person : 081311264365 (Riza)

Terima Kasih atas perhatiannya dan Selamat Berbelanja :)
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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Ocean Thermal Energy

Workers install equipment for an ocean thermal energy conversion experiment in 1994 at Hawaii's Natural Energy Laboratory. Credit: A. Resnick, Makai Ocean Engineering, Inc.
The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun's heat, and mechanical energy from the tides and waves.
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth's surface, making them the world's largest solar collectors. The sun's heat warms the surface water a lot more than the deep ocean water, and this temperature difference creates thermal energy. Just a small portion of the heat trapped in the ocean could power the world.
Ocean thermal energy is used for many applications, including electricity generation. There are three types of electricity conversion systems: closed-cycle, open-cycle, and hybrid. Closed-cycle systems use the ocean's warm surface water to vaporize a working fluid, which has a low-boiling point, such as ammonia. The vapor expands and turns a turbine. The turbine then activates a generator to produce electricity. Open-cycle systems actually boil the seawater by operating at low pressures. This produces steam that passes through a turbine/generator. And hybrid systems combine both closed-cycle and open-cycle systems.
Ocean mechanical energy is quite different from ocean thermal energy. Even though the sun affects all ocean activity, tides are driven primarily by the gravitational pull of the moon, and waves are driven primarily by the winds. As a result, tides and waves are intermittent sources of energy, while ocean thermal energy is fairly constant. Also, unlike thermal energy, the electricity conversion of both tidal and wave energy usually involves mechanical devices.
A barrage (dam) is typically used to convert tidal energy into electricity by forcing the water through turbines, activating a generator. For wave energy conversion, there are three basic systems: channel systems that funnel the waves into reservoirs; float systems that drive hydraulic pumps; and oscillating water column systems that use the waves to compress air within a container. The mechanical power created from these systems either directly activates a generator or transfers to a working fluid, water, or air, which then drives a turbine/generator.
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Thursday, 11 June 2015

Martabak Telor dan Martabak Manis (Terang Bulan)

Martabak Jamur Telur Spesial Rp. 45.000,-
Terang Bulan Komplit Coklat Wijen Kacang Wijen Susu Keju Rp. 38.000,-
Lokasi Holland Simpang Tiga 3 Jombang
Rate 9/10
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Sunday, 31 May 2015

Jual Printer HP DESKJET F2410 (Print – Scan – Copy)

Halo  bro n sist
Gini  ane mw jual murah printer ane nih,,jarang pake,,kondisi 90%,,cuma tinta lgi abiz blom ane isi ulang,,merk HP DESKJET F2410,,3 in 1(bisa print,,scan,,copy),,sekarang mw ane jual/tukar tambah ama printer ukuran A3 bisa print aja gapapa tp klo ada yang  bisa scan ma copy jg,, untuk tukar tambah harga bisa qta nego lgi klo print nya doank ane jual Rp.500.000,- (nego) klo ada bro n sis yg minat/nego ato sekedar tanya jawab bisa inbox/comment dsini dulu tar psti ane bales klo online,,bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan menghubungi ke no.hp 081311264365 (Telpon saja)

Merek    : Printer HP DESKJET F2410 (Print – Scan – Copy)
Harga     : Rp. 500.000,- (nego)
COD      : Jombang Mojokerto Kediri dan Sekitarnya
Lokasi    : Jombang 
Telepon : 081311264365 (Riza)

Ini penampakannya :

Thanks bro n sis atas perhatiannya
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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Dijual Lemari Es Kulkas Merk Sanyo

Dijual Lemari Es Kulkas Merk Sanyo
Cepat dingin, awet, irit, hemat listrik, dengan sistim frost (mencairkan es)
Kondisi masih baru 90%
Harga :1.500.000,-
Telepon : 081311264365
COD lokasi sekitar Lippo Cikarang Bekasi

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