Showing posts with label Otomotif. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otomotif. Show all posts

Sunday 27 January 2013

Chevrolet Spark Mobil Listrik Untuk Kawasan Urban


Chevrolet berencana untuk meluncurkan sebuah mobil bertenaga listrik pada tahun 2013. Mobil mini dengan nama Spark tersebut dikatakan akan didesain khusus untuk dapat digunakan di daerah urban.
Mobil ini akan menggunakan baterai A123 yang merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari sistem baterai Nanophosphate lithiom ion. Mengenai info detail lainnya, pihak Chevrolet akan menjelaskannya lebih lanjut.
Chief Engineer Chevrolet, Jim Federico mengatakan bahwa Spark diperuntukkan bagi para konsumen yang tinggal di daerah urban. Dengan kondisi lingkungan yang mudah untuk mendapatkan pasokan listrik.

Chevrolet, lanjutnya, akan terus memberikan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas mobil bertenaga listrik. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk mengikuti lifestyle serta kebutuhan akan transportasi.
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Google Ciptakan Mobil Yang Bisa Menyetir Sendiri

Perusahaan mesin pencari internet terbesar di dunia, Google, kini nampaknya sedang mencoba peruntungan baru. Beberapa waktu lalu, mereka baru saja meluncurkan sebuah mobil yang dapat berjalan dengan sendirinya tanpa ada seorang supir.


Pendiri Google, Sergey Brin mengatakan Google kini tengah mencoba untuk merambah industri lain. Dikatakannya, saat ini 10 persen dari perusahaanya tersebut tengah bekerja untuk melakukan inovasi di luar ranah internet, dan mobil autonomous ini adalah menjadi langkah pertama.
Mobil ini, ujarnya, dirancang khusus untuk membantu untuk meningkatkan mobilitas dan untuk membantu saat kemacetan. “Banyak orang yang kesulitan dengan lingkunganya, apakah karena dia cacat atau usianya terlalu tua atau terlalu muda,” ujar Brin seperti dikutip oleh Foxnews.
Kendaraan ini menggunakan laser yang dapat berputar 360 derajat yang disebut lidar di bagian atapnya. Dengan adanya laser ini, maka mobil ini dapat mengetahui kondisi sekitarnya. Tingkat akurasinya pun cukup bagus, yakni sekitar dua sentimeter atau satu inci.
Selanjutnya komputer yang tertanam di bagian dalam mobil akan membandingkan informasi yang didapat dari sensor-sensornya dengan peta yang sudah ada di databasenya. Hasilnya, mobil ini akan dapat mengetahui semua jalan dan dapat bereaksi pada semua kondisi.
Brin mengatakan bahwa mobil yang hingga kini masih belum diberi nama tersebut telah menjalani tes 1000 mil dengan kondisi jalan yang kompleks. Namun dia belum yakin jika mobil ini dites untuk menempuh rute jutaan mil. “Kami sedang menuju hal itu, saya optimis,” ujarnya.
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Sunday 2 December 2012

10 Design Konsep Motor Paling Gila Di Dunia

Semua orang suka naik sepeda motor dan begitu juga kita. Sebagai teknologi berkembang, kita akan melihat konsep sepeda baru dengan beberapa anatomi desain yang unik. Meskipun menarik, sepedamotor ini konsep berbagi bakat umum tidak pernah membuat ke dalam dunia nyata.

Dikompilasi di bawah ini adalah daftar konsep sepeda paling menakjubkan yang pernah Anda lihat. Beberapa dari mereka bahkan dapat menekan jalan realitas di masa datang tapi kebanyakan dari mereka hanya ideal bagi dunia imajiner.

1.Honda V4

Konsep Honda V4 yang terungkap pada 2008 menunjukkan sepeda Intermot di Jerman adalah sportbike bergaya dan futuristik yang mengusulkan arah desain baru untuk merek.

2. Suzuki G-Strider

Suzuki G-Strider pertama kali terlihat pada tahun 2003 Tokyo Motorshow. Konsep motor ini paling tepat digambarkan sebagai setengah setengah sepeda motor skuter mobil seperti saham atribut dengan keduanya.

3. I.Care

Konsep motor ini, dikenal sebagai Care I., adalah contoh terbaik teknologi modern-hari dicampur dengan desain dan kecepatan. Ini dirancang dan divisualisasikan oleh sebuah perusahaan Perancis yang berbasis enzim Desain. I. Perawatan sepeda motor dimaksudkan untuk menjadi Aston Martin dunia roda dua dengan mesin 1,8 enam-cyclinder Honda

4. Visi Victory 800

Visi Victory 800 adalah konsep sepeda sejati, yang dirancang untuk menunjukkan betapa Kemenangan radikal bisa berpikir. Kemenangan, sebuah divisi dari Polaris ATV telah tidak berniat memproduksi Visi 800, tapi desain yang penting tetap.

5. Yamaha tesseract

Yamaha tesseract Konsep Sepeda diresmikan pada Yamaha 2008 Tokyo Auto Show. Yamaha telah membuat konsep hibrida, boasting baik mesin V-Twin dengan ukuran yang tidak diungkapkan bersama dengan motor listrik.

6. Peraves Monotracer

The Monotracer Peraves adalah sepeda motor sepenuhnya tertutup yang menampilkan penampilan, sporty aerodinamis dan konsumsi bahan bakar rendah. The Monotracer Peraves adalah, diperbarui baru dan lebih menarik versi Ecomobile buatan Swiss.

7. Bombadier embrio

The embrio adalah robot unicycle diumumkan oleh Bombardier pada tahun 2003, saat ini hanya desain konseptual. Jika diproduksi, tidak akan tersedia sampai dengan tahun 2025. Hal ini dirancang untuk menjadi sel bahan bakar hidrogen-powered unicycle bermotor yang mampu mencapai kecepatan tinggi.

8. Batpod

Dilihat ini di Dark Knight, Apakah kita? The Batpod ini dirancang untuk film oleh Nathan Crowley dan didukung oleh kinerja-tinggi, air dingin, mesin single-silinder - diarahkan ke bagian bawah untuk percepatan lebih cepat dan tanpa knalpot pipa.

9. Dodge Tomahawk

The Dodge Tomahawk adalah konsep kendaraan yang diproduksi oleh Dodge. Dodge widowmaker potensi gila dipahami dan kemudian menamai Tomahawk pertama kali terlihat pada tahun 2003 di Detroit Auto Show.

10. Konfederasi Renovatio

Konsep Renovatio sepeda motor dari Konfederasi Motorcycle berbasis di Amerika adalah sebuah konsep sepeda motor radikal yang dirancang oleh desainer Ed's Jacobs. Hal ini sangat minimalis dengan semua unsur mekanik sepeda motor di acara itu.
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Tuesday 24 April 2012

Trik Mengatasi Accu Motor Bermasalah Agar Bisa Dipakai Lagi

Jika baterai motor sudah drop dan berkurang kemampuannya, ada trik yang bisa dilakukan agar kembali bekerja secara optimal.
“Kita bisa merebusnya di air mendidih buat kembalikan kondisi sel,” buka Trisno Dirgantoro yang kembali mengeluarkan trik-trik nylenehnya.
Dengan merebus baterai alias aki di air yang mendidih, diyakini akan mampu melepaskan kandungan kerak yang ada di sel positif dan sel negatif aki.
Cara ini, telah dibuktikan pada aki Honda Tiger miliknya. Aki yang telah dipakai sekian lama, alami penurunan kemampuan.
“Usai dilakukan metode perebusan, aki bisa dipakai kembali dan mampu bertahan hampir satu tahun,” jelas Trisno yang juga Guru Teknik Sepeda Motor di SMKN 1 Tengaran Kab. Semarang, Jawa Tengah ini.
Menurut bapak Guru ini lagi, lama perebusan sekitar sejam. Tapi, sebelum dilakukan perebusan, cairan elektrolit yang ada pada baterai dikeluarkan semuanya. “Setelah cairan semua dikeluarkan dari baterai, lalu diisi dengan air dan siap untuk direbus,” bebernya.
Setelah selesai proses perebusan, air yang ada di dalam aki dikeluarkan lagi. Selanjutnya, diisi air zuur yang biasa dipakai ketika baterai pertama kali digunakan. Berikutnya, tinggal dicharge deh.
Meskipun cara ini bisa dilakukan, tetapi ada batasan. “Indikatornya, ketika kedua kutub sudah berwarna hitam semua, berarti aki sudah tidak bisa ditolong lagi. Jadi, cara ini bisa dilakukan saat aki masih hidup, meski kemampuannya kurang maksimal.”

Trisno Dirgantoro
 SMKN 1 Tengaran Kab. Semarang, Jawa Tengah
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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Tips Bagaimana Cara Membersihkan Reservoir Air pada Radiator

Kemacetan air pada zona radiator seringkali disebabkan oleh sumbatan dari kotoran di dalam radiator. Umumnya memang disebabkan dari korosi yang terjadi di dalam radiator. Setelah kotoran itu menumpuk, bisa saja malah mengotori kisi-kisi radiator. Kalau semakin lama tidak dibenahi, mesin akan mudah panas dengan macetnya air radiator. 

Setelah air dari radiator keruh dan kotor, fase selanjutnya, air akan turun dan lebih banyak mengotori tabung reservoir. Kalau tabung cadangan air ini tidak segera dibersihkan, tabung ini tidak hanya akan menjadi cadangan air, tapi juga cadangan kerak kotoran.
Untuk membersihkan komponen ini, hanya diperlukan beberapa peralatan yang biasa ada di sekitar rumah seperti sabun cuci apa pun, asalkan bukan sabun colek, sikat yang cukup panjang dan juga cairan pendingin. Pertama kali yang harus dilakukan adalah mencopot radiatornya dulu dari rumahnya.
Setelah siap untuk dibersihkan, masukkkan dulu cairan pendingin ke dalam tabung secukupnya. Setelah itu, masukkan sabun yang disiapkan dan tambahkan air kira-kira 1,5 dari volume botol. Setelah itu, gosoklah bagian dalamnya hingga ke bagian sela-sela botol.
Kalau menginginkan hasil yang maksimal, Anda juga bisa melakukan instruksi di atas secara berulang-ulang. Biasanya, untuk satu kali kerja, akan masih sedikit meninggalkan bekas karena saking kotornya.
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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Motorcycle Maintenance

Whether you want to be a "Bad Boy", "Biker Dude", or "Biker Chick", you have to start somewhere. Of course you probably already know which motorcycle you want to get, but have you thought about what all you will need to do to take care of your motorcycle and to stay legal and safe on the road? Be sure that you know your state laws for motorcyclists, and how to maintain your new bike.
Every state in the US requires that you at least have minimum motorcycle insurance. Different insurance companies have different packages. You will want to think about how you will be using your motorcycle and what all you want your insurance to cover. If you ride it every now and then on the weekends, the minimum coverage may be just enough for you, however, if you plan to use your motorcycle as your main means of transportation, you are going to want more than the minimum coverage available. Also, in order to legal ride your motorcycle you need your Class M License. The can be obtained through your local DMV after taking the proper courses needed. You can go ahead and purchase a motorcycle from a dealership without proof of a license. They may not let you ride it home, but hook it to a trailer instead. Whichever the case may be, please stay safe and follow the law. Get your Class M License and state minimum motorcycle insurance. Having your license and insurance is important, but also taking care of your motorcycle is also very important. Even going over just the basics can keep you safe while you are cruising.
You will want to check your owner's manual to find out what type of oil you use and how often you should check it. This isn't the same for every bike, for some it depends on the make and model of your motorcycle. Just as different cars require different gas or oil. The average time to change your oil is possibly around every 3500 miles. If you aren't sure, check your owner's manual, ask a mechanic, or call the dealership and ask.
Tire pressure is also very important for maintaining a motorcycle. Your tire pressure can change for several reasons, the season, the temperature, humidity, and also your riding style. Air pressure can affect the way your bike rides, so you want to make sure that your tires have the right pressure. The proper tire pressure should be written on the sides of your tires, if you are not sure, check your owner's manual. If the tire looks dried out or is cracking, they are no longer safe to ride on. Also, check your chain and make sure it is well oiled and doesn't kink during a full rotation.
Another very important thing to check are you brakes and rotors. When you use your brakes, do you feel a pulsing or a grinding? If you feel a pulsing, it is possible that you need to get your rotors fixed or replaced. If you feel a grinding, this could mean that your brake pads are shot and need to be replaced or they will start to destroy your rotors. When you use your brakes, if it feels spongy, then you are probably in need of a new brake line.
Take just the basic steps to take care of your new or used motorcycle will help keep you and others on the road. Be sure to check your bike and repair anything that is broken after it has been idle for a while, for example after the winter, you will want to double check your oil, tires, and brakes before you take it out for you first spring or summer spin.

by : Liza Marie Andrews
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History Of Hybrid Cars

The first problem with working out which was the first hybrid vehicle, is deciding what the term 'hybrid vehicle' means. For example, a barge being pulled by a horse with the current of the canal could be thought of as a hybrid vehicle. However, most individuals these days will agree that a true hybrid vehicle utilizes a 'rechargeable energy storage system' or an RESS.
For instance, this could define a vehicle that utilizes one kind of propulsion, such as an internal combustion engine as its main form of propulsion, while that engine recharges batteries that can also be used to power an electric engine.
I am sure that it will surprise 90% + of individuals to hear that the history of hybrid vehicles is almost as long as the history of automobiles themselves. Porsche is a famous make of expensive sports cars, but in 1898 Ferdinand Porsche, a young Czech student, designed the Loher-Porsche one-cylinder internal combustion engine.
However, this engine was utilized to drive an electric generator, the electricity from which was used to power electric motors which were attached to every of the four wheels. The petrol engine was used only to produce electricity for the electric motors in this early case.
This early hybrid was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900 and was capable of travelling at 35 mph (56 kph). In 1901, Porsche drove it himself to win the Exelberg Rally. After this they sold over 300 units of their early hybrid car. Mass production had not been thought of yet and rich people were still sceptical about the new, malodorous technology.
1959 was the next landmark in the history or hybrids because petrol was cheap and few people, if any, foresaw the future for the world and the environment. Anyway, the car developed, the Henney Kilowatt used the early transistors or those days to regulate the flow of electricity. This was the true precursor to contemporary hybrid cars.
One of the inventors of the Henney Kilowatt was Victor Wauk and he was involved in the process of experimenting with electric cars in the Sixties and Seventies. Occasionally, he is known as the Godfather of Hybrid Vehicles.
It is fairly remarkable, but the regenerative braking system used by contemporary hybrids to help recharge a hybrid's batteries was invented in 1978 by the electrical engineer, David Arthurs..
It then took until president Bill Clinton took the initiative to instigate the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles in 1993. It involved the Dept of Energy, Chrysler, ford, GM and one or two others. G. W. Bush replaced this program with his own FreedomCar Initiative in 2001.
This initiative was designed to finance extraordinarily risky or problematic projects for the development of hybrid cars. It has taken us more than 100 years to rejuvenate the initial hybrid concept and we only did that because we were compelled to do it
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Saturday 17 September 2011

The World's Most Powerful V8

Intake System

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The variable intake system is die-cast from magnesium. It uses a streamlined internal design and a vertical arrangement of intake and exhaust ports. The two internal electronically-operated throttle flaps can be fully opened in 0.1 seconds, giving better response. The air intake is a dual-flow design with two hotwire airflow meters.


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The 32 valves are operated by bucket tappets. The intake valves are 40mm in diameter and the exhaust valves 34mm. Valve clearances are adjusted hydraulically. All four camshafts are continuously variable over a range of 42 degrees with the camshaft timing variation controlled electro-hydraulically.


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The block uses a closed-deck design with a main bearing bedplate. Cast into the alloy are steel components that improve strength and "ensure a reliable oil supply". The engine block and cylinder heads are of cast aluminium-silicon alloys (AlSi7 and AlSi17) with the cylinder walls coated with a twin wire arc spraying (TWAS) process. This results in extremely low friction and wear accompanied by outstanding long-term durability. AMG-Mercedes claim the coating is twice as hard as conventional iron liners.
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During the TWAS process, two metallic wires and an atomising gas are brought together in a coating unit. Passing a high voltage through the tips of the wires breaks the gas molecules down to form a plasma, and the wire tips begin to melt. The atomising gas removes molten metal from the wire tips and sprays these particles onto the cylinder walls to be coated, where they solidify. This is preceded by a high-pressure water jet which roughens the cylinder walls so that the individual sprayed particles adhere to the surface during the TWAS coating process. The cylinder walls are then honed. During this process, the micro-pores in the sprayed coating are partially exposed, which enables them to retain oil when the engine is running and ensure favourable lubrication of the pistons and piston rings.


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The crank is forged 42CRMo4V steel alloy and uses five crankshaft bearings and six counterweights. The counterweights feature heavy metal core plugs, which mean that they can be made significantly more compact. Two lightweight connecting rods forged by the cracking process are connected to each of the four crank pins. The pistons are cast alloy.

Intelligent Thermostat

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The temperature of the coolant is variably controlled. In the interests of optimal in-engine friction and fuel economy, the temperature of the coolant can for example be lowered to 80 degrees Celsius under partial load. Under full load conditions the temperature is raised to 100 degrees "within milliseconds" to achieve the best possible engine cooling. The thermostat controlling the coolant temperature receives its instructions from the engine management system.

Electronic Control

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All engine functions are controlled and executed by a Bosch ME 9.7 control unit. Fuel injection, ignition, the variable intake manifold, camshaft adjustment and variable cooling are all controlled. The microprocessor has 10,000 different characteristic maps and functions in its memory, and is able to carry out up to 70 million individual operations per second.


The new AMG 6.3-litre eight-cylinder engine meets all current exhaust emission standards. Exhaust treatment begins in the air-gap-insulated manifolds, which have a wall thickness of only 1 millimetre. All four ceramic catalytic converters feature thin-wall substrates. A secondary air injection system leads to higher exhaust gas temperatures and supports the heating-up process. It appears that the management system uses the input of the oxygen sensors to form a feedback loop at all engine loads.


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Trials of the new AMG 6.3-litre eight-cylinder engine were conducted in two stages. The development work started with analyses of basic mechanical functions, the oil circuit, power characteristics with various intake duct and camshaft configurations, plus the definition of fuel injection quantities, fuel consumption and exhaust emission values – all these were studied on the dynamic simulation test benches at Mercedes-AMG. Engines with outputs exceeding 735 kW/1000 hp can be dynamically tested in this facility.
After completion of the basic work in Affalterbach, the first test vehicles equipped with the new AMG eight-cylinder engine were sent onto public roads and test tracks in all the climatic regions of the earth. These tests included:
High-altitude trials in Denver, Colorado (USA), Lesotho (South Africa) and Granada (Spain)
Heat trials in Death Valley, California (USA), Upington (South Africa), Idiada test track (Spain) and Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
Road trials in Los Angeles, California (USA)
Cold trials in Arctic Falls (Sweden)
Various test runs on the high-speed circuits in Nardo (Italy) and Papenburg (Germany)
Tests in the DaimlerChrysler wind tunnel
In addition, various endurance trials were carried out with the aim of simulating the engine’s entire operating life under the most extreme conditions:
Nürburgring north loop: The engine was tested under predominantly full load conditions on the world’s most demanding racetrack.
Mixed road endurance trials: Testing under everyday conditions. The vehicles were loaded to their gross vehicle weight and subjected to a defined test program on country roads, motorways and in city traffic.
Stress endurance trials at the DaimlerChrysler test site in Papenburg: Extreme acceleration and deceleration cycles under predominantly full load conditions, with high stresses on the oil circuit, cooling system and fuel supply.
Endurance trials in the hills of the Swabian Alb region: The vehicles were loaded to their gross vehicle weight and towed a two-tonne trailer. The route covered country roads with numerous uphill and downhill gradients, and subjected the engine, transmission and cooling system to very high stresses.
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Wednesday 22 June 2011

How to Check and Prevent Problematic Car Injector

d21733d658cc8190d195809dc7b1a362 Begini Cara Memeriksa dan Mencegah Injektor Bermasalah

One of the causes of a stalled car on the way, the most common and difficult to repair is a dirty injector. Understandably, this device serves to fog spraying fuel into the engine combustion chamber."So, let bursts stopped completely, just hangs up or is not smooth combustion process is compromised," said Zaenal Arifin, Mechanical Companions Motor, Fatmawati, Cipete, South Jakarta, Saturday, June 18, 2011.As a result, the vehicle turned on even fussy alias difficult. Even the extreme, breaking down or the machine is turned difficult. Therefore, treat and prevent the injector problem is obligatory for us.Only, not least the ordinary car owners how to do that. In fact, how to check the condition of the injector and prevent the device was in trouble quite easily. You can take it to a repair shop that has equipment ultrasonic injector or detector.
So what steps is it? Here are tips from Zainal Arif :1. Check the voltage level of electrical current injectorOne of the many great workshops offered by the current inspection device's electrical voltage. As a measure commonly used is the current voltage at the engine off should be equal to the voltage at the battery."While at the time the injector is active, the opposite voltage sources from electronic control unit must not exceed 0.4 volts," said Zainal.When the voltage was normal but the injectors are not functioning normally, then the injector should be replaced immediately.Another way that is also often used the garage is to measure the impedance injectors with a Ohm meter. Impedance is a measure of the rejection of sinusoidal alternating current.Make sure the level is too low impedance and vice versa, is not too high. With a low impedance injector size is 3-5 ohms and 12-17 ohms to high impedance.Examination should be performed when the injector cold nor hot. When in hot conditions and high impedance levels, meaning injector problem and needs to be replaced soon.
2. Perform the following preventive measures;If it turns out the condition of electrical current injector is not problematic, then it should be done several ways of prevention by doing this:
a. Clean injector with ultrasonicIn a few workshops already available equipment. Its function is to clean the injector of the crust or dirt that clog. At the same time, ask your mechanic or a mechanic to check whether there was a leak in the device.In addition, make sure the pressure or spray mist of fuel into the engine combustion chamber is complete. Usually the service pack to fix prices injector cleaning service package is USD 250-350 thousand.
b. Check the condition of the fuel pump and related componentsThis examination aims to ensure the fuel pressure by the fuel pump. The way to ensure true quite easily, which is enough to feel the pressure in the fuel hose from the fuel pump to fuel filter.If it turns out the pressure feels sluggish, there is a problem in the fuel component. If you have any problems like this, try to check the fuel pressure regulator. These devices are generally rarely damaged, the most common complaints leveled the car owner is a leak.However, in order to check the fuel pump and all manner of related components is completed, you should drain the fuel tank. Clean channel leading to the combustion chamber and clean engine fuel filter
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Sunday 12 June 2011

Motorcycle Tips - How To Change The Oil In Your Motorcycle

 There are a number of regular maintenance tasks that you have to perform on your motorcycle in order to keep it functioning properly. One particular task is changing the oil. Here are a few tips or pointers that will help you complete this task on your own.
You have to realize that changing the oil in your motorcycle on a regular basis is a very important step. One of the many reasons why this is important is because it keeps a fresh supply of oil inside the engine of your motorcycle that will help to keep the inner components of your engine properly lubricated and functioning properly. Over time, oil will begin to thicken and break down due to the constant exposure to the intense heat of the engine. The oil supply will eventually dry up and your engine could be exposed to dangerous wear and tear if that supply is not replenished.
The type of oil that you use is equally as important as the number of times that you change it. Consult your motorcycle manual in order to make sure that you select the right type of oil for your bike. You should also make it a point to change the oil filter every time that you change the oil. A brand new filter will allow oil flow much better than an old filter, which is better for your engine in the long run.
Changing your oil doesn't have to be a hard task to accomplish. In fact, it is actually one of the easier tasks that you will complete. You just have to make sure that you have the right tools and equipment to complete the job. One particular piece of equipment that you will want to make sure you have is a motorcycle stand. This will help get your bike off the ground so you have enough room to work. It will also keep the motorcycle completely upright to ensure that all old oil is removed from the motorcycle. Also, make sure you have a ratchet and socket set, an oil filter remover, a container that you can use to catch the oil as it drains, and perhaps some shop rags or something absorbent to clean up any oil spills that might occur.
The first step of changing the oil in your motorcycle is to remove the fairing screws in order to free up the fairing lowers. Make sure you get all of the screws. One thing worth mentioning at this point before you get too far into the task. If you're not sure about any step of the process, be sure to consult your owner manual.
Once you have the fairing lowers removed (if equipped), then it is time to remove the oil drain plug. Locate it and select the right socket for the job. Loosen the plug and get the storage container in place for the oil to drain into. Make sure you complete this step otherwise you'll have a big mess on your hands, and everywhere else! Let the oil drain until there is no more oil dripping from the motorcycle.
When all of the oil has drained, remove the old oil filter and prepare the new filter for installation. Place a thin layer of grease around the ring edge of the filter. This will help keep the seal properly lubricated and will eliminate any leaks due to dryness and cracking of the filter seal.
With the new filter in place, replace the oil drain plug and remove the oil container that you used to store the old oil. When you have the filter and drain plug securely in place, fill the motorcycle back up with fresh new oil according to the fill limits identified in the owner manual. Check the bike for any leaks once you have it completely filled. If there are no leaks, then you're all done and you will have successfully changed the oil in your motorcycle.
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Cheap Faster Motorcycles

 You can throw a lot of money into not riding a motorcycle any faster. After spending $1000 on a shiny new exhaust system, would you have the courage to tell your friends let alone yourself that the bike doesn't go any faster? To get the most miles per hour from your buck spend more time than money to go faster on the cheap.
Over time,e brake fluid absorbs water from condensation in the air, which makes your brakes soggy and less responsive. Stop quicker for fifteen dollars and fifteen minutes by revitalizing your braking system. Obtain some DOT 4 brake fluid ($10), an 8mm box wrench, a Philips screwdriver, clear tubing ($5) that fits snug around your brake bleeder nipple (silicone aquarium tubing works great), a rag and a generic container to catch spent fluid. Remove the cover on the master cylinder, place a rag below it and top off the brake fluid. Avoid getting any hydraulic fluid on your bike as it will corrode chromed, painted and anodized parts. Place the 8mm box wrench over the bleeder nipple located on the brake caliper and place one end of the tubing on top of the nipple and the other end inside your catch container. Depress your brake lever a couple of times to build up pressure in the lines before you press and hold the brake lever. With the brake lever depressed, crack open the bleeder nipple. As fluid flows past the nipple and into your catch can, pressure will lessen on the lever. Close the bleeder nipple completely and release the lever. Repeat this process while remembering to top off the master cylinder every couple of opening and closing sessions to avoid introducing air into the system, which would cause you to start over again.
Remember to never release the lever while the bleeder valve is open, as you will draw air and contaminated hydraulic fluid from your overflow tube back into the sealed system. Keep repeating this process until you have flushed out all of the old brake fluid. Besides trying to evict all of the old brake fluid we are also ridding the system of any air bubbles. Use a screwdriver to tap along the brakes lines and dislodge any stubborn air bubbles, as air tends to get trapped where hoses bend or branch off. Varying the way you open the bleeder valve by applying a lot of pressure on the brake lever and cracking the valve open slightly will help evict air from the system. If you have dual brake calipers in the front, repeat this process for both calipers. When you are done with the front brakes move on to the back brakes and repeat the process. An 8-ounce container of brake fluid is enough fluid to bleed the rear brake and both front brakes. Ride faster on the cheap by spending fifteen minutes and fifteen dollars.
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The Top Fuel Economic Cars

Prices at the pump are flying up, again. The best way to save money on gas is to stop driving, but that's not an option for most people. After all, you still have to get to the grocery store and your job. The best way to save money on gas is to choose a car that gets great gas mileage.
2011 Chevy Cruze Eco
The Chevy Cruze is not only an auto that gets great gas mileage; it also carries a low price tag. At only $18,175, this car will fit nicely in most budgets. With an astonishing 42 mpg highway and an impressive 28 mpg in the city, this car easily falls into the top 10 list for fuel efficient cars. It is important to note that to get this great gas mileage rating, you'll have to choose a manual vehicle, so it may be time to freshen up your skills at driving a clutch.
2011 Ford Fiesta SE SFE
Not to be outdone by the competition, Ford has released a "super fuel economy" vehicle of its own. The Ford Fiesta is a subcompact featuring gas mileage of 29/40. The sticker price is only $15,120, making this car a great choice for young drivers. The fact that this option has an automatic transmission makes it appealing to more drivers.
2012 Ford Focus SFE
Another automatic transmission option, the Focus will hit showroom floors in time for the 2012 model year. The fuel economy will be 40 mpg on the highway, and the sticker is a low $17,270.
2012 Honda Civic
The Honda Civic offers an impressive 41 mpg on the highway with a five-speed automatic transmission. It features the unique Honda technology, Eco Assist. This program uses a dashboard visual aid that can help drivers get the most miles out of every gallon. Pricing has not yet been announced on this model.
2011 Hyundai Elantra
Hyundai has come a long way in the last decade, and they are now making headway in gas efficient cars. The Elantra retails for an impressive $14,800 and features 40 mpg on the highway. City drivers will enjoy 29 mpg. Drivers can also choose between a six-speed manual transmission and a five-speed automatic transmission. This car also features the best horsepower-to-weight ratio in its class, making it a lot of fun to drive.
2011 Honda CR-Z
At $19,345 this vehicle has an attractive price tag along with a stylish look. Gas mileage for the CR-Z is 35/39 and there is an available 6-speed production hybrid.
2011 Lexus HS 250h
Lexus has produced a luxury sedan with all the amenities you want in a luxury car and gas mileage you need. At 35mpg city and a respectable 34 mpg highway, this car can handle long commutes and family trips. With a starting price of less than $36,000 it's also still easy on the wallet.
2011 Mini Cooper
Proof that you can be stylish, sassy and get good gas mileage; the Mini Cooper features 28/36 mpg in a package that you'll be proud to drive in. With a starting price of only $20,000 it's an affordable, fun option.
Audi A3
With the ability to seat 5 and plenty of cargo space, the Audi A3 is an impressive option. Gas mileage is 30 mpg city and a truly impressive 42 mpg on the highway. The base price of only $27,270 is just as impressive as its styling and its great gas mileage.
Volkswagen Jetty Sportwagen
There is no longer a rule saying that cars with great gas mileage have to be small. The Sportwagen features 30/42 mpg that will take you all over town, and the country, in a package that also gives you plenty of space. At a starting price that's below $20,000 this option is as friendly to your wallet as it is to your family.
The buying public is demanding cars with better gas mileage, and the auto manufacturers are starting to respond. Whether you want something small and sporty that can park anywhere, a luxurious sedan, or something that can still move family, you can find it in a package that also gets great gas mileage. You don't have to sacrifice style or comfort for good gas mileage. With today's models, you can have both, even with some used cars.
If your searching for good fuel efficient cars, visit J.D. Byrider in Knoxville, TN. We are the leading used cars dealer with bad credit financing to get you approved and on the road in no time.

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Future Tech Are We Finally Ready for Self-Driving Cars?

 Last year a woman living down the street from me backed out of her driveway as if she were Danica Patrick, without so much as glancing behind her to see if there were any Spandex-encased middle-aged men on vintage racing bikes tooling down the road just then. It turned out there was one, and let me just say that an SUV hood makes a surprisingly cushy landing strip. My brief flight through space and time inspired me to think about this sort of alarmingly frequent stupid driving trick—specifically, how things like this should by now have been rendered obsolete by automation.
I am plenty familiar with the arguments against giving up direct control of our cars. I personally eschew power windows and locks, never mind automatic transmissions, and I proudly raise my Alfa Romeo’s convertible top manually. (For a great upper-body workout, try raising a top at 20 mph. For a great YouTube video, try it at 30 mph.) In fact, I 
wish my car had more things for me to do manually. I would happily set flaps, trim sails, position heat shields, and load torpedo tubes if only those features were available for my model year. No, I want everyone else’s cars to be highly automated, so they will stay out of my way when they ought to.
You may feel the same way. People tend to overestimate their skills behind the wheel and underestimate the skills of the boobs and psychopaths driving around them, a phenomenon that psychologists call “optimism bias” and the rest of us simply call delusional overconfidence. Statistics bear it out. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that car crashes killed nearly 40,000 people and cost more than $70 billion in the United States last year (blog post, the study itself). To make matters worse, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute reports that nearly 
80 percent of car crashes result from drivers’ lack of attention (pdf) to the road.
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Tips Choice Helmets Motorcycle

 If you are purchasing a motorcycle helmet for the first time, there are certain steps you need to take to make sure that it is safe for use. First, keep in mind that having your helmet fit properly is crucial for it to work in the way it is intended to. You cannot simply go by manufacturer size charts, as a small from one manufacturer may not fit the same as a small from another. The best way to determine which helmet is the best fit for you is to try on multiple models. However, before you even start your search for the best motorcycle helmet for you, you need to begin by measuring your head. To do this, use a cloth tape measure and measure your head's circumference at about one inch above your eyebrows. If you wear hats, you should also keep your hat size in mind as you start your search for the perfect helmet.
Once you know the circumference of your head, you are ready to start trying out helmets. However, keep in mind that even though two people may have the exact same head circumference measurement, the shape of their head may still vary enough that one helmet may not fit both individuals properly.
As you start looking at helmets, you can easily disqualify unsuitable helmets based on the knowledge you now have about your measurement by looking at the sizing tag printed on the helmet. Once you have found a helmet that seems to be a suitable candidate, your next step is to try it on and check the fit. The helmet should be snug on your head and all the pads should tough the appropriate spots. You should try moving the helmet on your head with your hands. If it is fitted properly, your skin should move with the helmet. If it moves easily on your head, it is too loose. You will actually want the helmet to be quite snug when you purchase it, since over time, as it breaks in, the fit will loosen up a little bit.
You also want to make sure you test the chin strap on the helmet. The purpose of the chin strap is to make sure the helmet does not come off during a collision, so once you have the chin strap fastened, try reaching over the top of the helmet and pulling it off. If it comes off, you need a smaller helmet.
Although it is often preferable to try a helmet on in physical stores, you can often get quite good deals on helmets online. If you are purchasing a helmet online, be sure that the site displays all the measurements for the helmet before you purchase it. You also want to check out the refund policy as well, since you do not want any hassles if you need to return it.
By following these tips, you should be able to find a motorcycle helmet that fits great. There are also many other great motorcycle accessories that can be purchased online.
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Motorcycle Exhaust

There are many considerations when choosing which motorcycle exhaust to buy for your vehicle. You must consider cost. So your budget must be decided on. Once this decision has been made you can then start to look at which different styles of exhaust will fit onto your motorcycle. Depending on your level of motorbike ownership experience, you may decide to consult the advise of a local expert and you can go on the specialist motorbike modification forums that are scattered around the internet. Just do a quick internet search in one of the popular search engines and you'll be sure to find a motorbike modification forum with active members who will be more than happy to help you discover which types of exhaust will be compatible with your vehicle.
If, however, you prefer to speak to people person, then ask your fellow motorbike riders who they recommend to help them decide which exhausts will fit your motorbike. If you're new to the area and, therefore, do not know many people in and around your local area yet then don't despair - you can always scan the local newspapers to find the local motorbike spare parts dealers, bike modification experts and even general local garages who might have the skills and knowledge to help you.
Once you've gathered an idea of which types of exhaust will fit your make and model of motorcycle the next step is to start doing some research into which type of exhaust you actually want. Are you looking for improved brave horse power (BHP), a certain gurgling sound, a certain look or a combination of all of these criteria. Ultimately, the decision of which type of exhaust to fir to your vehicle will come down to personal taste. That is the reason why we modify our bikes at the end of the day isn't it? To add a bit of our own personality to that extension of ourselves.
So once you've decided what you're looking for, you need to fit yourself a supplier and fitter who to provide you with the exhaust system and fit it for you (assuming you aren't fitting it yourself). As with any kind of purchasing decision, always choose a reputable business who comes highly recommended from past clients. Always make sure that the exhaust that you are about to have fitted is going to be road legal and it's a good idea if the exhaust comes with some kind of warranty.
For more info Motorcycle Exhaust

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Tuesday 7 June 2011

10 Mobil Mewah Desain Futuristik

Mobil berikut adalah konsep modern abad ini.  Mewah, sensual dan glamour. Tidak banyak diproduksi. Namun dengan harga yang sangat tinggi untuk memilikinya. Apakah Anda tertarik?
10. BMW M1 Hommage
10 Mobil Mewah Desain Futuristik

9. Audi Locus
09 audi top ten concept cars
8. Lamborghini Cnossus
08 lamboghini top ten concept cars
7. Proton EMAS
07 proton top ten concept cars
6. Aston Martin AMV10
06 aston martin top ten concept cars
5. Hyundai Blue Will
05 hyundai top ten concept cars
4. Citroen GT
04 citroen gt top ten concept cars
3. Volvo SC90
03 volvo top ten concept cars
2. Toyota Hi CT
02 toyota top ten concept cars
1. BMW GINA Light Visionary Model
01 ginabmw top ten concept cars
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10 Mobil Tercantik Didunia

1. Alfa Romeo 8C Spider
MSRP: 301,600 U.S. dollars

2. Aston Martin Rapide
MSRP: 197,850 U.S. dollars

3. Bentley Mulsanne

MSRP: 285,000 U.S. dollars Dodge Challenger SRT8
MSRP: 43,680 U.S. dollars Ferrari 458 Italia
MSRP: 240,000 U.S. dollars Jaguar XJ
MSRP: 113,000 U.S. dollars

7. Maserati Quattroporte

MSRP: 120,250 U.S. dollars

8. Mercedes SLS AMG

MSRP: 183,000 U.S. dollars
9. Porsche Boxster Spyder
MSRP: 61,200 U.S. dollars

10. Rolls Royce Ghost

MSRP: 245,000 U.S. dollars
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